skull and parts of skulls
giant skull confirmed by museum!
In 1911 several giant skeletons and ancient artefacts were
supposedly fund in a cave in Lovelock in Nevada, USA. Almost
everything was later lost in a fire but a skull is supposed
to be found in the Humbolt Museum, Winnemucca. I send a request
to the museum
- and they could confirm that they indeed do have a Lovelock-skull
mining for guano in a cave in Lovelock, a small town about
80 miles north-east of Reno, the miners reportedly found mummies
preserved in the dry bat-droppings. The mummies were large,
from 6 and a half feet to more that 8 feet (2 to more than
2,5 meters), and they had red hair. They were reportedly lying
in a layer of burnt material about four feet under the surface
and there were also lots of broken arrows around the mummies.
Before archaeologists could survey the findings most of it
was gone or damaged - and a later fire where the artefacts
were stored did no good either.
The Puite Indians of the area have legends about giants and
how they killed them. The race of giants, the "Si-Te-Cah"
, should have been white, red-haired, very tall cannibals,
and the Indians started war against them when they entered
their land.
A coalition of tribes managed to trap the last remaining giants
in a cave and while shooting arrows at them they started a
large fire at the mouth of the cave. They kept the fire going
and shot everybody who tried to get out - until the giants
were annihilated.
Nielsen outside cave
model and jaw
found in the cave
found in the cave
One person that can tell, and show us, how large the skulls
are is Stan Nielsen, he went to find the cave and the skull
in the museum:
"Prior to a subsequent trip to
the area, I borrowed a full-sized plaster dental model of
the lower teeth of a normal modern adult from a friend, who
was also my dentist. I took the plaster model with me when
I next visited the area, in the hopes that
I would be able to compare it with the jaw from one of the
"giants." As I had hoped,
the curator at the Winnemucca museum graciously allowed me
to compare the plaster model with the jaw from the skull of
one of the "giants" in the museum's collection.
She placed the jaw down on her desk. I was allowed to place
my plaster adult jaw next to jaw from the skull for purposes
of comparison. The plaster model was much smaller than the
jaw from the skull. In fact, the teeth of the jaw from the
skull were almost twice the size of those
of my plaster model. There were other factors ,
too, that distinguished it from today's humans."
Other giant skeletons have reportedly been found in the area,
in 1931 and 1936 - and even a skeleton measuring 8 feet 9
inches was supposedly found in 1965, buried under a rock
along the Holly Creek in east-central Kentucky.
All that is left today, as far as we know, are the skull and
the scull parts in the tiny Humbolt Museum (and I am afraid
they suddenly will be gone one day). The sensational artefacts
are, believe it or not, kept in the backroom, but reports
are telling that the staff will gladly show them to you if
you inquire about them!
Latest news: I have received information
that it no longer will be possible to have a look at the Lovelock-skulls
at the museum. If you want to see a video of them - click
(It is the Humbolt Museum, not Nevada State Museum as written
at the video-clip on Youtube).
model placed
on top of the jaw
It also seems that the skulls are
of normal size. This can easily be seen at the video (and
even the picture when you compare to the coin). I have also
made a photo-composite
of the dental model and the jaw as you see to the right, and
it is just an optical illusion that the jaw is much bigger!
I believe that the skeleton of the giant was removed at one
stage, so what has been found later are normal sized skeletons!
From: Humboldt County Museum
Sent: 1. May 2008 03:20
To: terje@sydhav.no
Regarding: Lovelock Skulls
Dear Terry:
We do, in fact, have one of the Lovelock skulls. It
was obtained years ago as part of a local collection.
Sorry about the delay!
Barbara Powell Humboldt Musuem |
You may be interested to know that the Giants with red
or fair hair were described in ancient Sumerian clay
tablet records which have been translated.
Also that the original Egyptian Pharoahs were 70% the
same genetically as white Europeans in the UK, they
also had light fair hair or red hair and were tall.
Another question is how the Nevada Native Americans
had a written language which is ancient Hebrew when
they are so far from that area? From artefacts that
were found where their 'Giants' lived.
On ancient Sumerian cylinder seals, Gods are depicted
seated who are as tall as standing humans, which would
make the Gods 8-9 feet tall at least!.
I found your article interesting!
I just happened to be in the neighborhood,
in Winnemucca that is, so I stopped by the museum to
see if they really did have a giant skull there. Turns
out they have 4! There are not on display, however.
I first searched the museum for them & when I only
found a few artifacts by the Lovelock Cave exhibit I
asked the elderly lady there who was watching the museum
if there were any large skulls found with those artifacts.
She smiled & said that she did certainly know about
them & led me to a storage room just next to her
office, where she opened up a cabinet on the wall &
showed me 4 large skulls. She told me that people come
from all over the world to that little museum in Winnemucca
just to ask about these giant skulls, and that they
aren't allowed to display them openly because "the
state does not recognize them." I asked her where
the rest of the remains were & she said that the
bodies to those skulls & the bodies with red hair
were taken to Berkeley a long time ago for examination,
and are also not publicly displayed. She didn't know
exactly why the government won't recognize them but
I can see 2 possible reasons: #1 A coverup or #2 They
are tring to be careful with any possible Indian human
remains on display because once a tribe claims them
they can be taken away. She then went on to tell me
the story about how the Piutes told the story of when
they once warred with a giant red headed people &
trapped some of them inside that cave. The actual cave
in Lovelock, she said, has also been recently opened
to the public by the BLM. These skulls were pretty awesome
to see in person. If you happen to be passing through
Winnemucca you should definately stop for a few minutes
& check it out!
DonnQuijote |