the Denisovans become the legendary giants in the Indian mounds
of the USA? 
In the TV-program "Search for the Lost Giants" it
was said that I had the theory that the Denisova hominins
from Siberia could have island-hopped across the Pacific,
intermarried and ended up as the large bones found in Indian
mounds. Well, let us take a closer look at this theory!
the mainstream theory of the human development: 700.000 years
ago a group of humans left Africa and spread across Europe
and Central Asia. They became Neanderthals and Denisovans,
and the humans they left behind became us modern Homo sapiens.
It went hundreds of thousands of years before we made it out
of Africa 100 to 80 thousand years ago.
So what happened to our human cousins?
Well, the scientists now believe that the Neanderthals died
out about 40.000 years ago, but they do not have enough data
when it comes to the Denisovans and their downfall. They believe
that these three human species interbred; because some of
us Homo sapiens sapiens, have genomes from both Denisovans
and Neanderthals.
Australian aborigines, New Guineans
and some Pacific Islanders are said to have about 6 percent
Denisovan genes, while some mainland Asian populations and
Native Americans have about 0.2 percent Denisovan genes.
on the pictures
more information:
speed drilling! |
Modern and Denisova tooth
with the tooth
Loco at Bora Bora
Denisova Cave (red spot)
Densovan migration
large ocean!
of the Pacific
and skeleton
Feet 8 Inches
Rosa skeletons
7 feet 2 1/4 inches
out from Catalina?
Altai statues and megaliths |
kurgan, Altai
wall, Siberia
(See the man standing!)
Azerbaijan kurgan, 2.20m
Prof. Vekua showing
bones |
Cave is a cave in the Bashelaksky Range of the Altai mountains
in the southern part of Siberia in Russia
In March 2010 scientists announced
that they had discovered a finger bone of a young female who
lived about 40,000 years ago. The finger bone was "unusually
broad and robust, well outside the variation seen in modern
people". Later two teeth and a toe bone were also found.
An interestingly enough: In the same layer they found artefacts,
including a stone bracelet, that were carbon dated to the
same period.
- The fossil was found with modern
technology and ornaments, including a very beautiful bracelet,
one of the researchers said.
The bracelet that was made of polished
dark green chloritolite. It was delicately shaped, highly
polished, and demonstrated
a high level of technological skills; a hole for a pendant
less than 8 mm wide was drilled with a tapered drill that
must have been running with considerable speed!
Largest human tooth
It is difficult to say how the Denisovans looked like - what
has been found in the Denisova cave is all we have so far!
Some believe that the finger had belonged to a little girl
with dark skin, brown hair and brown eyes, but new findings
might change that view.
The first tooth found in the cave
is the largest human tooth ever found; it was so large that
the archaeologist at first mistook it for a cave bear tooth!
I know that some people say that the
tooth I am showing in the TV-program was of an animal and
not a human. Well, the producer gave it to me in the hospital
bed just before the camera started rolling and told me it
was a replica of the Denisova tooth. I had no chance to check.
I remember I thought it looked a bit different from the Denisova
tooth I had seen picture of, but it was found two teeth in
the Denisova cave and I thought it might have been a replica
of the other!
Across the Pacific
In the show it was said that I had the theory that the Denisova
hominins from Siberia could have island-hopped across the
Well, I sailed solo across the Pacific
in my 23 feet yacht "Coco Loco", so it is possible
to sail on the high seas in small boats. My countryman Thor
Heyerdahl of the Kon-Tiki, Ra and Tigris fame also proved
that it is possible to sail across the oceans in so called
primitive, ancient vessels.
- The world's oceans were not barriers,
but roads, he said.
The trick is of course to have a vessel
that not will sink and also to follow the winds and currents.
Let us say that the Denisovans were able to cross the land
going eastwards from the Altai Mountains and then used their
technological skills to make seaworthy vessel. But island
hopping? If they travelled towards the east they would have
to start the crossing of the Pacific from Japan. There are
not many islands between Japan and the coast of California!
You have the Hawaii islands but they are a bit to the south.
And the ocean current is going in a curve northwards. A plane
from Tokyo to Honolulu will take about 7 hours (it take 9
hours the other way because of the prevailing winds), a yacht
would use about a month.
Well, since the highest percentage
of Denisovan genes are found in Papua New Guinea then might
be the Denisovans travelled south and started island hopping
from there? Well, the Denisova genes have been found also
at some of the Melanesian islands close to Papua New Guinea
but so far nothing on the Polynesian and Micronesian islands.
And the island hopping would only bring you less than half
way across the Pacific - it is just so much empty ocean!
No, I do believe that we have to forget the island hopping.
It was not my own words in the show anyway!
But of course they could have crossed
the Pacific Ocean and got to Catalina Island! A northern route
following the North Pacific gyre would bring them from Japan
to California! A very long and sometimes cold journey but
very much possible!
A direct route pushed by the Equatorial
counter current could also have brought a boat from the islands
around Papua New Guinea and to the coast of the USA but the
landing would have been as bit to the south.
Bones on the Channel Islands
So did the Denisovans reach the western American shores? I
do not know if there have been done any DNA-tests of bones
on the Channel Islands off the Californian coast. According
to the mainstream scientists the ancient people of the islands
were all local Indians and the disturbance of dead Native
Americans is not allowed due to the repatriation act. But
we do have stories, even pictures, of large skeletons!
Ralph Glidden was an amateur archaeologist
who uncovered ancient burial sites on the Channel Islands
from 1919 to 1928: In addition to finding thousands of artefacts
he also dug up almost 4000 human skeletons. Most of all the
male adults were around 7 feet (2.20 m) in hight, and largest
skeleton he found was 9 feet 2 inches (2.80 m) tall. He claimed
that there once had lived an ancient race of tall and fair
haired Indians on the islands.
According to Pittsburgh Press July
20, 1913 and Daily Telegraph on July 26; a German naturalist
named Dr. A.W Furstenan unearthed an 8 foot skeleton on Catalina
Island, he had travelled to the island because he while in
Mexico had heard a legend of a noble race of giants that had
lived on Catalina Island long before the white man had arrived.
In 1959 several skeletons more than 7 feet
tall was discovered on Santa Rosa Island. The tops of the
skulls were painted red. The skulls were said to be of "primitive",
"otamid" type; sloped forehead, pronounced brow,
robust bones, powerful jaw, and a "inca bone" at
the back of the skull. Some were also said to have double
rows of teeth.
In 1897 relic hunters stayed three
weeks on barren San Nicolas Island and Newark Daily Advocate
tells about "Bones of a Giant Race on San Nicolas Island".
They found evidence that the island had been inhabited of
two or more different races; "one of which was of great
here for my article about Catalina Island.
Disappeared civilization
In the TV-show it was said that I believed that the Denisovans
had landed on Catalina Island; inbreeding with Homo sapiens
and creating an ancient breed of giant man that eventually
spreads throughout the whole of North America. So if this
was the case then we should be able to find ancient sites
and artefacts that look the same on both sides of the Pacific
Ocean. Might be even simular looking skulls and large skeletons!
us go back to where it should have started; the Altai Mountain
in the southern Siberia. It is one of the richest regions
in megalithic sites, with huge stone walls, dolmen and menhirs.
There are also many legends of ancient giants; they should
have built all the megalithic structures - and they are linked
to legends of a disappeared civilization.
"Almas" is Mongolian for
"wild man", and they were supposed to be human-like,
between five and six and a half feet tall (the male often
much taller), their bodies covered with reddish-brown hair,
with facial features including a pronounced browridge, flat
nose, and a weak chin. Some scientists say that they are a
relict population of Neanderthals or surviving specimens of
Homo Erectus. They have also been connected to the Denisova
Hominins found in Siberia and to the Yeti of the Himalayas.
Stories and reports dating from the last fifty years tells
about almas around the Caucasus mountains near Russia and
the Black Sea.
"The Narts were a tribe of heroes.
They were huge, tall people"; so you can read in the
Nart sagas, a series of tales originating from the North Caucasus.
The Altai Mountains are also known
for the many kurgans; mounds of earth and stones raised over
a grave (also called tumuli, burrows, burial mounds or cairns).
The earliest kurgans are said to have appeared in the 4th
millennium BC. The kurgans of Altai Mountains are often called
"The Frozen Tombs". One of the largest kurgans is
Salbyk kurgan, less than 200 kilometres from the Denisova
cave. Before excavations it was 25-30 meter in hight and had
a diameter of 500 meters. Salbyk kurgan is surrounded by "balbals"
(meaning "ancestor", a kind of stone statue: a stelae/stele)
and with a kurgan obelisk on the top.
The skeletons in the tombs of the
kurgans were often found buried in a sitting or hunched position.
I have not been able to find any pictures or reports of giant
bones found in the kurgans of Altai Mountains but in the neighbouring
country of Azerbaijan a 7 feet 3 inch tall woman from 2000
BC has been found and also from Ukraine and the Don-steppe
area large skeletons have been found.
Channel One, the major broadcasting
company in Russia, had a long news-report showing how a team
of researchers found giants bones in the wilderness of Borjomi
in Georgia on the other side of the Caspian Sea. The person
showing the bones and telling that they had belonged to a
human giant is the world-famous archaeologist and pantologist
Professor Abesalom Vekua!
Let us go back to the USA and take a closer look at what we
can find there. Are there any legends about ancient human
giants? Yes, heaps! Many Native American tribes like Hurons,
Iroquois, Tuscaroras, Osage, Omahas and Paiute still remember
the legends how their ancestors fought wars against the giants
hundreds, might be thousands of years ago.
Sarah Winnemucca published her book:
"Life Among the Paiutes: Their Wrongs and Claims"
in 1983. She is writing: "My people say that the tribe
we exterminated had reddish hair. I have some of their hair,
which has been handed down from father to son. I have a dress
which has been in our family a great many years, trimmed with
the reddish hair."
According to the legends of the Pauite
Indians there was a red-haired tribe of cannibals that harassed
them with war, and Sarah Winnemucca wrote that their own tribes
one day had enough and banded together. They battled them
successfully and drove the last Si-Te Cah, the "tule
eaters", to the Lovelock cave. The Pauite filled the
cave-entrance with bush and set it ablaze. The Si-Te Cah that
tried to get out was shot with arrows and the remaining in
the cave suffocated and died.
Sarah Winnemucca
her book she is also writing that her grandfather was chief
of the Paiute nation, and when they were camped near Humboldt
Lake with a small portion of his tribe, they saw a party of
white settlers coming eastward from California. When the grandfather
was told that they had hair on their faces and were white
he had jumped up, clasped his hands together and cried aloud:
"My white brothers
my long-looked for white brothers
have come at last!"
Winnemucca is said to have been a full-blooded Indian but
the title of her book and also her features hint that her
distant relatives indeed might have had brothers looking very
different to the Paiute!
Lovelock sandal
Lovelock cave is real
Well, we know that the Lovelock cave is real.
Just below the cave an extremely large pestle made of pink
rhyolite was found. It weighs 12.5 kg (27 lbs.) and is 66
cm long. It would be as good as impossible for a normal sized
person to use this pestle!
Several sandals made of tule fiber
were found in the cave, and one reported at over 15 inches
(38 cm) in length. That would be a shoe size of 22 in modern
times but how could you find a shoe of that size today? The
common size for a person 6 feet tall (180cm) is size 10-11!
We know that there have been found
human remains in the cave but if any of them were after the
red haired tule-eaters of gigantic size is not so certain:
James H. Hart, one of the two miners who excavated the cave
in 1911, wrote in his report that they found "a striking
looking body of a man six feet six inches tall, his body was
mummified and his hair distinctly red". But he also wrote
that the mummy was boiled and destroyed by a local fraternal
lodge, which wanted the skeleton for initiation purposes.
here for my article about Lovelock cave/giants.
Indian mounds
Morhiss Mound
Spanish Hill Mound
Conneaut Mound
bury their most prominent leaders in kurgans were, as we have
seen, common among the ancient people of Altai Mountains and
elsewhere in south Siberia. In ancient North America this
was also a common practise but here the burial mounds are
called "Indian Mounds", and they are mostly made
from earth.
How many Indian mounds there once
were in USA is impossible to say today but it could have been
several hundred thousand. There were once estimated to be
around 10,000 Indian mounds and earthworks in the central
Ohio valley alone!
We call them Indian mounds but the
Indians, what we today call Native Americans, said that it
was not their ancestors that had built the mounds but the
people before them. Yes, the old men told the first settlers
that they had no knowledge of the former inhabitants; they
only knew the legends about them. It was not their custom
to bury the dead people in tombs. It had happened that some
of the chiefs and other respected warriors had been buried
in existing, old mound and that some even tried to make a
mound to copy the powerful ancient giants but it was not their
custom. The oldest, as far as we know, mound in the USA is
dated to about 6.000 BC.
The first settlers did not have much
time to worry about ancient mounds; they needed the land for
farming, for roads, houses, factories and cities. Well, some
people did; the treasure hunters looking for gold or other
valuable items they could sell, often to overseas collectors
or museums. The settles just dug the mounds away, levelled
them or used the soil for their farms.
Crumbled to dust
Most people of those days did not have much respect for Indians
- dead or not. Most of the skeletons were just scuffled to
the side or trampled to pieces. But of course some people
noticed that many of the skeletons were very large; of people
that was so much taller than themselves. Often the heads were
very large and elongated, and it seemed like the skeletons
sometimes had six fingers and toes and also double set of
teeth. It seemed like that the oldest skeletons crumbled to
dust as soon as the mounds were opened. And they were also
often the largest.
"The eyes of that species
of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America,
have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now." Abraham
Lincoln - 1848. |
large skeletons started to create some interest in the middle
of the 1800s. The settlers were well and truly settled and
the newspapers were up and running. When the Smithsonian Institution
was established in 1846, people started to send the museum
the most complete skulls and/or skeletons, often together
with other findings in the mounds (most often with a hope
of getting paid). And their field agents were sent to take
a look at the most interesting mounds, even if they seemed
to pay little attention to the skeletons. They definitely
stayed away from using the word "giants" - for them
the large skeletons were just tall Indians.
The first explorers and settlers to North America did not
pay much attention to the mounds but they definitely paid
attention to the Indians. From 1600 or so the English settlement
was contested by several tribes, with more that 40 wars! 20.000
settlers shall have been killed and more than 50.000 Indians.
The first explorer were surpised to
see that some of the Indian chiefs were very tall.
de Soto and Tuscaloosa
Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto, travelled 1540-1542
in the area that much later became the southeast United States.
He saw people living in fortified towns with large mounds
that he believed were foundations for their temples. Many
of the Indian chiefs were taller than their tribe members
and also the Spaniards.
An Indian named Tuscaloosa was the
chief (cacique) a large Mississippian area in what today is
the state of Alabama. Tuscaloosa was very tall. Garcilaso
de la Vega, who accompanied De Soto, wrote that his physical
appearance: "were like those of his son, for both were
more than a half-yard taller than all the others. He appeared
to be a giant, or rather was one, and his limbs and face were
in proportion to the height of his body".
The Spanish were received well by
Tuscaloosa in his village but when de Soto demanded porters
and women, the chief said that he was accustomed to being
served, and not vice versa. Tuskaloosa was taken hostage but
later in the Indian town of Mabila, it came to a battle. Tuskaloosa's
son was killed but the giant chief himself should have managed
to escape.
Powhatan and Smith
Susquehannock - European
John Smith (1580-1631) was an English soldier, explorer and
author. He played an important part in the establishment the
first permanent English settlement in North America; Jamestown,
and he was later knighted as an admiral of New England. John
Smith encountered an Indians tribe of unusual size: here is
from his his desciptions of the Susquehannock Indians:
"Such great and well proportioned
men, are seldome seene, for they seemed like Giants to the
English, yea and to the neighbours: yet seemed of an honest
and simple disposition, with much adoe restrained from adoring
the discoverers as Gods. Those are the most strange people
of all those Countries, both in language and attire; for their
language it may well beseeme their proportions, sounding from
them, as it were a great voice in a vault, or cave, as an
Eccho." "The picture of the greatest of them is
signified in the Mappe. The calfe of whose leg was 3 quarters
of a yard about: and all the rest of his limbes so answerable
to that proportion, that he seemed the godliest man that ever
we beheld."
In December 1607 Johns Smith was captured.
He was taken to the chief of the Powhatans and later claimned
that his life was saved by the chief's daughter, Pocahontas.
Well, we might know Pocahontas best from the 1995 animated
film produced by Walt Disney, but the real Pocahontas was
captured by the English in 1613, she later married the tobacco
planter John Rolfe.
white women
have seen in old cowboy-films how the Indians capture white
women. Well, those films never give any true picture of the
Indians but it is a fact that young white girls were captured
and married to warriors and chiefs. One reason given is that
the Indians needed to replenish losses suffered in the warfare
against the settlers or neighbouring tribes. Another reason
might be that some of the white people reminded the Indians
about the people they had learned about in the old tribal
stories - the mighty first people of the country. By getting
babies with the white girls they might get blood making their
offspring tall, strong and with godlike power!
Captain Cook in Hawaii
is no secret that native women in many developing countries
even today are dreaming about marrying white men. Of course
many times to flee from poverty but I have through my travels
also learned that many natives consider the white people to
be closer to the Gods. And from the history books we have
learned how many Indians in both North and South America,
as well as the natives on the Pacific Islands, believed that
the first white explorers were their old Gods returning!
Or - might be it originally was the
other way around; that the giants who came sailing across
the ocean needed women? We read in the legends that there
seemed to be only male giants that landed on the islands and
the Americas - so might be it was their blood that made the
chiefs taller than the common Indian? Might be that is why
it seems to be that the skeletons in the oldest mounds are
the largest?
Newspaper headline
New Age Magazine, 1913
Herald, 1899
Bill and Jim Vieira
Lee Berger showing bone
are so many old newspaper articles telling about giants bones
found in mounds of the USA. Jim Vieira and Micah Evers have
so far collected more than 1000, and other researchers plus
myself have found a few as well.
So what does the scientists say about
all these articles about skeletons of gigantic size?
Well, here is from a reply I got from
the Tennessee Division of Archaeology:
reports predate the advent of professional, rigorous archaeological
scholarship, and none of the supposed examples survive for
re-examination by modern physical anthropologists. Although
the myth of giants inhabiting the region is intriguing to
many people and has a sizable internet following, there is
no credible evidence to support this claim."
Of course; some articles might be
hoaxes, some might be wild exaggerations, some might sensationalized
to sell papers and some might be edited versions of articles
already printed, but the number
is just too huge to claim that they all are false.
And many of the persons in the newspapers articles are easily
confirmed as real and serious people, like doctors studying
the skeletons and taking measurements.
Would they not have protested if newspapers
used their names in articles that were not true?
of the articles have picture showing large bones and skulls
- in a time where digital photo editing did not exist! Some
with a measuring stick along the skeleton. And it is not only
newspaper articles; there are many reports written by historical
associations and state bodies. Yes, large bones are even mentioned
in Smithsonian's yearly reports, here is from the 12th
Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary
of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891: "Near
the original surface, 10 or 12 feet from the center, on the
lower side, lying at full length on its back, was one of the
largest skeletons discovered by the Bureau agents, the length
as proved by actual measurement being between 7 and 8 feet."
and his brother Bill spoke on the show with anthropologist
Professor Todd R. Disotell at the New York University's Center
for the Study of Human Origins, and he said that it is extremely
unlikely that a race of giants has existed but that unlikely
becomes absolutely true with physical evidence.
Well, he should know that two of
the world most famous scientists when it comes to ancient
human races, Abesalom Vekua of Georgia and Lee Berger of South
Africa, can show us bones of what they themselves categorise
as giants, and everybody is welcomed to see the fossilized
bones if they do not believes in TV-reports or pictures!
I also believe that it was said at
the show said that if there was found skeletons of giants
then they would be on display so that people could come and
see them and generate income for the museums. Well - is it
so easy to forget about the about The Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)?
There have been large skeleton
on display at museums, we even have pictures of them, but
today this is
no longer allowed! An interesting question is of course if
the act will be in force
if some of the large bones of the mounds are dated to be more
than 13.000 years
old because at that time there should be no Native Americans
in North America!
Smithsonian denies
is it that Smithsonian today denies that they have any knowledge
of giant skeletons - that there are no records of large bones
in their archives?
Dr. Greg Little is a psychologist,
who also is an explorer and documentary maker. He did a review
of Smithsonian's two major reports from their mound investigations;
the 1887 and 1894 Bureau of Ethnology Annual Reports. He noted
that the Smithsonian's field agents had found 17 skeletons
that were close to 7 feet or taller. Here is his conclusion:
"In essence, for the Smithsonian to have found 17 skeletons
that were 7 feet tall by chance alone, they would have had
to excavate 2.5 million skeletons."
Little also found another report concerning the Chickasawba
Mound in Blytheville, Arkansas, telling that many large skeletons
were found at the site. He travelled to see the mound and
also visited the nearby state Archaeology Field Station. They
handed him the same report he had seen; relating that many
skeletons ranging from 8 to 9 feet in length
had been found there. As late as 1976 a 7-foot-tall skeleton
was found at the site.
So why is it that some researchers claim that Smithsonian
have giant skeletons stacked away in closed- off rooms? And
why has several researchers, me included, experienced that
the institution today denies that they ever had tall skeletons
- even if their own old reports say that they have? Is Smithsonian
behind a giant cover-up?
Recently we could on the internet
read an article telling that that Smithsonian admits to destruction
of thousands of giant human skeletons in Early 1900's and
that a US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian
to release classified paper showing that the institution was
involved in a major historical cover up:
has been a major cover up by western archaeological institutions
since the early 1900's to make us believe that America was
first colonized by Asian
peoples migrating through the Bering Strait 15,000 years ago,
when in fact, there are hundreds of thousands of burial mounds
all over America which the Natives claim were there a long
time before them, and that show traces of a highly developed
civilization, complex use of metal alloys and where giant
human skeleton remains are frequently found but still go unreported
in the media and news outlets" American Institution of
Alternative Archeology (AIAA) spokesman, James Churward explains.
Lost continent of Mu
the allegations might very well be true but the article and
court case is not! There is no American Institution of Alternative
Archeology and James Churchward, the author of "The Lost
Continent of Mu: Motherland of Man", died in 1936!
It is interesting, though, that the
person behind the hoax chooses to user Churchward's (misspelled)
name because if there was a lost continent in the Pacific
then we would have to rewrite all our theories about human
development and migration! Churchward himself claimed to have
gained his knowledge of this lost land after befriending an
Indian priest, who taught him to read a lost language that
made it possible for Churchward to decipher ancient tablets
with the story about Mu.
it is true the Smithsonian and other institutions is behind
a cover-up when it comes to giants then the question must
be: Why?
Is it because that the existence of
a race of giants does not fit in the theory of evolution?
since year 2000 the anthropologists have discovered 8 new
species of hominins. The theory that they and all other human
species wandered out of Africa is getting more and more difficult
to explain. New findings and DNA-testing of ancient bones
have also forced the mainstream scientists to change their
view on the first hominins time and time again. The Neanderthal
was first believe to be much taller than us homo sapiens but
with smaller brain. Then the theory was that they were about
our size or slightly smaller but that they had larger brain.
Now a theory is that archaic Homo sapiens and Neanderthals
had a brain of about the same size but that the Neanderthals
had a much larger and more powerful cerebellum. And we all
remember drawings of Neanderthals as stupid cave
dwellers with almost as much hair as a monkey. Well, now some
scientists believe that it us who were the stupid ones while
the Neanderthal had a language, quite advanced tools, made
beautiful art, cooked their vegetables, lived in social groups,
and buried their dead. That they even had a good knowledge
of the sun and the stars and were capable of building boats!
Sapiens and Neanderthal
Elongated skull Siberia
Chinook Indian, USA
Baby, South America
might be it was the Neanderthal and not the Denisovans that
found the way across the ocean and ended up in the Americas?
Might be. But so far it is the Denisovans that seems to have
been taller and more robust than the other species of early
hominins with capacity and brain to use tools to make boats.
Excavations of the Denisova cave and
DNA-testing of the bones found there and in the area around
it shows that Denisovans, Homo sapiens and Neanderthal most
probably interbred. The researchers are quite sure that the
Denisovans produced hybrids with us human - and it might have
been Neanderthal genes in the mix as well, plus the genes
from a mysterious species of hominin that so far only has
shown up in the labs.
When we are talking about lost or mysterious hominins I just
have to mention elongated skulls. You find them as good as
all over the world, also among the Native Americans.
The conservative scientists claim
that there never have been people with naturally elongated
skulls; that it just was a custom among some people to bind
the skulls of their children. But why should they have a custom
that must have been very impractical and even painful to their
children. Aesthetically more pleasing? Signify group affiliation?
Look more intelligent? Demonstrate social status? Might be
in many cases but it must also be allowed to point out that
it might have been trying to replicate people that looked
like that: People that was born with long skulls; admired
humans that even was looked upon as gods. Lost species of
There has been found skulls in South
America with naturally elongated skulls, with a cranial volume
too big to be caused by manmade cranial deformation. There
has also been found mummies of babies and children to young
to have an elongation performed on them. Joseph Pentland from
Ireland writes about adult skulls which he excavated near
Lake Titicaca in Bolivia in 1827: "..these skulls belonged
to a race of mankind now extinct, and which differed from
any now existing".
were they? Well, shall we take a guess that they might have
been Denisovans or Denisovan/Neanderthal/Homo Sapiens hybrids?
Sky Cachina |
Six fingers, Catalina
research on giants started many years ago when I discovered
that many ancient statues all over the world have six fingers.
Most often they depicted local gods but they were also very
tall - what we can call giants.
A little figure that supposedly dates
back to 4,000 BC was once found in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
It has six fingers. Most people are not so interested in the
fingers but that it seems to be wearing a space suit.
Another small figure that has fix
fingers is of the Sky Kachina. The legends of the Hopi Indians
in North America tell that they originally lived in a land
in the middle of the Pacific Ocean but had to flee when the
sea rose. The God that helped them get from island to island
across the ocean was Sky Kachina, and she had six fingers
and could fly.
Some say that the existence of evil
men with six fingers is why some Native American tribes raised
their hands when they greeted strangers: to show that they
did not descend from them!
and author L.A. Marzulli, who travelled to Catalina Island
to take a closer look at Ralph Glidden's pictures of very
large skeletons, also discovered that at least one of them
had six fingers.
ancient culture
you might ask, "you are talking about six fingers and
large skeletons but where are all the megalithic structures
- if they brought their culture from the other side of the
ocean why can you only show us mounds of soil and not gigantic
walls of stone?"
Well, you can find megaliths in North
America but most of them are in Mexico. In the US there are
not so many - not today anyway. A reason is again of course
that the settlers did not have time to take interest of the
structures that they found dotting their newfound country.
They dynamited the stones and used them as landfill for roads,
they drilled and cut the stones and used them in churches
and official buildings!
And of course; if they came across
the sea from Asia because they fled from an enormous catastrophe
they would not have with them all the "ordinary people"
that had helped (voluntary or not) to build the walls, dolmen
and statues!
The country might also have been empty
if they came as early as for 20.000 or even more years ago;
and when the people that became the Native Americans arrived
later on they might not have been so keen on slaving stones!
And the offsprings of the Denisovans marrying with the Indians
might have lost interest in making megalithic structures or
even forgotten how to do it!
Dolmen, Salem
Burnt Hill Stone Circle
Rockwall, Texas
you will indeed find some megaliths in the US and I will give
you just a few sample:
Probably the most well-known example
of a dolmen is the found in North Salem in northern Westchester
County, NY. An almost 100-ton boulder of granite is placed
on standing stones of marble. A sign close to the dolmen says
that the stone was placed like that not by man but because
of ice-age. It is simular to dolmen found all over the world
- in Korea you can find almost 40.000 of them - and they did
not have any ice age there..!
You will also be able to find ancient
stone circles in the US. One of the better samples is the
Burnt Hill Stone Circle in Heath, Massachusetts. And here
the scientists agree that they are pre-Columbian. But the
Native Americans do not have any remembrance of a culture
of raising stones.
So what about megalithic walls? Well,
a 20 mile long megalithic wall was discovered near Rockwall
in Texas about 1852. Mainstream archaeologists tell us that
the stone-wall is a natural formation but might be they are
wrong because the wall is partly natural and partly manmade?
Video here!
sites expert and archaeologist James Whittall says the following
about the megaliths: "I find it difficult to distinguish
the North American examples from the European ones and I believe
that both sets were produced by ancient builders who shared
a common culture."
You might still claim that there should be more megalithic
structures to be found in the US since we find so many more
in Mexico and in South America. Well, the scientists now seem
to find evidence that our planet has been through series of
major catastrophes; large comets splashing down creating tsunamis
hundreds of meters tall washing about everything away, solar
bursts that have melted ice and created major earthquakes
and even rapid movement of the tectonic plates making mountains
rise and fall.
Yes, Thor Heyerdahl (who was more
a researcher than an adventurer, he saw the ocean crossings
in Kon-Tiki, Ra and Tigis necessary to prove his theories
on human migration in pre-history) asked me if everything
could be going round in cycles - like a wheel turning round
and round when it comes to our spaceship Earth and us humans
on it. He knew very well that almost all cultures have legends
and religious scriptures telling that we humans have been
trough several periods of extinction to almost the last man.
Like the Aztec; they believed that we have been trough four
major periods; that we now are in the 5th "Sun".
And that we in the first period were giants.
way around
Might be it was the other way around; that the Denisovans
originated in the Americas? Could it at all be possible that
they lived at the same time as the dinosaurs? Is this why
some of the (controversial) Ica-stones are depicting a giant
of a man hunting dinosaurs?
Did the original Denisovans of one
unknown reason migrate to the north and then east across the
Bering Land Bridge? According to new research: Siberia went
though a period of warm weather about 30.000 years ago, and
the land bridge between Alaska and Russia was dry land all
the way.
The last ace age in North Ameirica
reached its greatest extent between about 22,000 years ago.
Then the ice started to melt. The scientists say that melting
brought about floods that occurred approximately 40 times
between 15,000 and 13,000 years ago.
the collapsing ice dams at the now vanished Lake Agassiz bring
a catastrophic flood that swept the remains of their civilisation,
like megalithic structures, away?
And then, when the Siberia was getting
colder and the ice had melted in North America; did they return
to their homeland by boat?
The major problem when it comes to the human development can
be that the timeline can be wrong. Our dating of artefacts
and ancient human remains might be more or less off if the
conditions on our planet have changed dramatically. Like if
the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased or decreased.
Yes, changes in the atmosphere by the so called greenhouse
gases like CO2 and methane is what the scientists now believe
might have started and ended both the ice ages and the warm
So who knows?
Heyerdahl said that the oceans were
roads and not barriers in the ancient times. And through more
and more advanced DNA-testing we seem to discover that we
humans have been here, there and everywhere on the globe -
long before we were supposed to have left Africa! So who knows?
Was it us Homo sapiens that travelled the world, or the Neanderthals,
the Denisovans or the unknown, mysterious species?
And should we care?
Well, Heyerdahl also said that without
knowing the past is impossible to say something about our
future - so I believe that it is important that we are trying
hard to disclose what seems to be a hidden past!
My job is to ask the questions - and
hopefully we will get some answers.
© Terje Dahl
Siberian Times (06 December 2018):
50,000 year old tiara made of woolly mammoth ivory found
in world famous Denisova Cave.
"Extraordinary tiara made for a man found in the Denisovan
layer of the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of southern
Siberia, reports the Siberian Times today. Archaeologists
working at the now famous site of the Denisovans have made
another incredible discovery. It is a fragment of a large
tiara made from mammoth ivory thought to be around 50,000
years old. This makes it the oldest example of a tiara anywhere
in the world. When found the ivory piece was flattened out,
but soaking it allowed it to resume its original curved form.
Its great size suggests it was worn by a male to keep hair
from going in their eyes."
get to my investigation on gianst in the USA - click here
get to the newspaper articles about giants - click here
do you think?
you have any ideas, thoughts or facts - please send them to
Terje Dahl: terje@sydhav.no
are the ideas, thoughts and facts our readers have sent in:
We have
many strange stone structures in the Connecticut River
Valley, some that required moving immense stones, not
a practically useful pursuit for New England's settlers.
Thanks for sharing your fascinating research on the
giants. I think the interbreeding between Denisovans,
Neanderthal, and homo sapiens could very well account
for a hybrid species of "Giant" individuals.
There is also another unidentified hominid species (Species
X)that was also in the mix. Here is a link to an archaeological
discovery made in San Diego that just might be proof
that Neanderthals and/or Denisovans were here in America
100,00 to 130,000 years ago!
Maybe the Neanderthal's, Denisovans, and species
x were here in America long before anyone else. This
would explain the Native American oral traditions of
Giants being in the land when they arrived. If this
was the case, there would likely be interbreeding among
the Native American people with these other species.
I've researched many old archaeological accounts of
giants being discovered in the mounds throughout the
USA and many of the descriptions of the skulls sound
like they are neanderthal like (massive jaws, pronounced
brow ridge, robust skeletal structure). Though we now
know that neanderthals were much smarter than originally
thought, they were also shorter than us. These giant
discoveries, in my opinion, point not to neanderthals
(as the bones were taller) but point to a mixture of
interbreeding between species. The double rows of teeth
often reported is a fairly common in Neanderthals (called
Also, Dennis Standford (Ironically of the Smithsonian)has
a very solid hypothesis that there were migrations coming
to prehistoric America from Europe (Solutreans) and
there is much evidence they left by them in the form
of Clovis spear points, which are found in Europe (Spain/France)and
not found in Asia, which would be the case if everyone
was coming from Siberia.
There have been some other interesting theories that
the giants were the offspring of the Grigori (Watchers)
and were known as the Nephilim and were chased out of
the Holy land (as mentioned in the Bible)and they were
some of the various tribes such as the Ammonites. These
giants made it to America and interbred with the locals
and did a lot of copper mining at lake Michigan.
I've come across way too many archaeological discoveries
about the giants and too many accounts of them in native
traditions for this to all be just "Tall Tales"
(no pun intended...LOL.)
Also, in the course of my research, I've across a number
of articles of "Little People" discoveries
in the USA. Some of the oral accounts among the Cherokee
tribes talk of their ancestors encountering tribes of
little people; some peaceful (black haired), and others
who were violent (red haired with "red whiskers").
There was a North Carolina University that was undergoing
construction back in the 40's or 50's and the construction
workers cleared an old "Indian mound" on the
campus and discovered little man made tunnels under
the mound and college campus that were about 3' in height.
There were also small bones found, that a number of
witnesses claimed were "pygmy", childlike
skulls with wisdom teeth in them. Of course, after the
archaeologists picked through the bones they all disappeared
(Smithsonian?). I very well think ancient America also
could have had Homo floresiensis (Hobbit) like those
found in Indonesia. In fact, I think it is possible
they could have migrated here just like neanderthal,
Denisovans, species x, and homo sapiens.
Anyway, I could keep going about these discoveries for
hours, but I just want to say thank you for sharing
your research! There is a hidden history of the Americas
that is being either ignored or covered up (I think
covered up). I will be releasing my research within
the next year or two to share my discoveries with others
who are interested in this topic.
Best wishes to you on your continued research!
Very interesting theory of the ancient tall people spreading
from the CA coast inland to be the Mound Builders of
The sunken land must be the continent of Zelandia which
science now admits to.
Science also understands the a 'warm' period follows
an ice-over on Earth, from which the mammals are smaller.
Due to radiation or radon perhaps?
I feel that the possibility of other human forms are
open, who are we to put a definition on what could be
Patricia Henry
I have the greatest respect for him, but didn't Thor
Hyerdahl make some money from his many books?
Henri Schuler
I can accept that there are hybrid Giants living today.....Satan
is IMO capable of much that we know nothing of yet.....I
have reasons to believe Bigfoot could very well be included
along with other reports of living hybrid-giants over
the past decades.
In his autobiography, The Life of Honorable William
F. Cody, Buffalo Bill recounted the following interesting
experience that occurred while he was still acting as
a scout for the U.S. Army: "While we were in the
sand hills, scouting the Niobrara country, the Pawnee
Indians brought into camp some very large bones, one
of which the surgeon of the expedition pronounced to
be the thigh-bone of a human being. The Indians claimed
that the bones they had found were those of a person
belonging to a race of people who a long time ago lived
in this country; that there was once a race of men on
the earth whose size was about three times that of an
ordinary man, and they were so swift and powerful that
they could run along-side of a buffalo, and, taking
the animal in one arm, could tear off a leg and eat
the meat as they walked." Here
Hiram Jacques
I think you should do another SHOW!!
Marty Frazier
see .....www.onthetrailofthenephilim.com
Also see at this site www.stevequayle.com
I have recently posted on my facebook page that if you
wanted to hide something, you should hide it in plain
view and that the Smithsonian still had or are still
in possession of the giant remains found. Not long after
my post I found that the Smithsonian has admitted to
destroying the bones. All I can do is ask the question,
how can we verify that information. I am a Christian
so I believe the Word of God when He says there were
giants in those days and afterward because of a second
influx of fallen ones or angels. If it is proven that
these giants existed, our world would have to rewrite
allot of history and teach differently, that causes
great discomfort to those in power.......my thoughts,
my opinion and you know what they say about opinions!
Deborah Koller
Come on with more comments, folks!
The Criel Mound was excavated in 1883-84 under the
auspices of the US Bureau of Ethnology and the supervision
of Col. P.W. Norris. The excavation was performed by
Professor Cyrus Thomas of the Smithsonian Institution.
Inside the mound, Professor Thomas found thirteen skeletons:
two near the top of the mound, and eleven at the base.
The skeletons at the base consisted of a single very
large skeleton at the center, surrounded by ten other
skeletons arranged in a spoke-like pattern, with their
feet pointing toward the central skeleton.
The skeleton in the middle of the vault was of unusual
size, measuring seven feet six inches (2.30)
in length and nineteen inches between the shoulder sockets.