I have looked at what history says about giants in Georgia.
Borjomi giants:
Can the history of Georgia give us answers to who the giants were?

We have been looking at human evolution from the first walking ape to modern homo sapiens, without any giants fitting in. But resent archaeological findings seems to be challenging the accepted theories, with giant ancient bones found in Georgia, Russia and South Africa. What can the history of Georgia tell us
- are there any links to giants?

The Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park is located in central Georgia and is part of the lesser Caucasus. The park is one of the largest in Europe - it covers more than 76,000 hectares.

The Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park is part of the lesser Caucasus. It is one of the largest in Europe.
We have in two previous articles seen that there have been found bones of an ancient giant near Borjomi in Georgia estimated to be 2.50 to 3 meters tall. The expedition filmed their struggle to reach old ruins of a church in a remote area of a natural park at the feet of the Caucasus Mountains. They had heard the old stories of "the valley of the giants" and after a week the group of 15 people, which included archaeologists, palaeontologists and historians, got the reward:
Prof. Vekua with bones - click on the picture for video and article!
Prof. Vekua with bones
Giant bones.
    The renowned professor Abesalom Vekua believes that the find may be a sensation, and in the news story on the Russian Channel One he shows the bones and confirms that they it differs from the bones of modern man in size and thickness: "They are mentioned as giants in the scientific literature, although this hypothesis was not confirmed", he said.
A look at the country of Georgia:
Georgia is a sovereign state in the
Georgia - between the seas.
Caucasus region of Eurasia, it covers a territory of 69,700 km² and the population is almost 4.7 million. Much of the ancient history of the Caucasus region remains a mystery, simply because relatively little field research has been done because the remote locations. Megalithic structures are found all over the region and many sites have similarities with other, better-known megalithic structures
Simular to ancient walls in Peru! and on Easter Island!
Simular to walls in Peru!
around the world such as the ones at Stonehenge, Malta, Tiahuanaco or Baalbek.
    On the slopes of the Trialeti mountain range, at an altitude of 1600 metres, cyclopean castles and menhirs dating back to the 2nd and 1st millennium BC extend for tens of kilometres. Near the village
of Tejisi there is a 5 metre high menhir, incorporated into a medieval church complex, that is ideally shaped
5 metre high menhir
with a flat front and rounded back, and seems be emitting some sort of radiation. Near Lake Paravani, in the region of Akhalkalaki, there is a megalithic fortress at an altitude of 2752 metres. There is another site called Gochnaris Lodovani ("great rocks of Gochnari") near the town of Manglisi, in the Algeti river valley. Yet another megalithic fortress is located at an altitude of 2800 metres in the Eastern Georgian province of Kakheti, near the village of Patara Abuli. These cyclopic structures are built with huge basalt blocks, some of them 4 metres long. The gates seem too big for humans, and walls are estimated to have been up to 10 metres high.
    Approximately 3.000 dolmen are known in the Western Caucasus, and more are constantly being found. These dolmen
Dolmen, Georgia
Dolmen, Georgia
are still of an unknown origin.The dolmens of Abkhazia is typically consisting of four upright stones and a capstone, some of them weighting as much as 50 tonnes.
   Like in similar places around the world, the people living there today cannot provide any serious information about the civilizations that lived there before them. Folk legends usually refer to gods or giants of the distant past. It is as if
Patara Abuli, Georgia
Patara Abuli, Georgia
worldwide the builders of the megalithic structures disappeared from the face of the earth.
Queen Tamar
One of the most famous historic persons of Georgia was Queen Tamar who lived from 1160 to 1113, the period that was called the "Golden Age" of
Queen Tamar
Georgia. She even had the title of "king", so she definitely ruled the country in her own right. She was of the Bagrationi dynasty, the ruling family. According to a family legend, taken down by the 11th century Georgian chronicler Sumbat Davitis-Dze, and supplied with chronological data much later by Prince Vakhushti Bagrationi, the ancestors of the dynasty traced their descent to the biblical king David and came from Palestine around 530 AD. Yes, the same David who killed the giant Goliath with a stone from his sling! Could David have been tall himself? Well, the bronze helmet they tried to put on the youngster's head before the fight did not fit!
   Ethnic Georgians call themselves Kartvelebi, and their land Sakartvelo – meaning "a place for Kartvelians".
Togarmah and sons, Kartlos number three from left.
Togarmah and sons
According to the ancient Georgian Chronicles, the ancestor of the Kartvelian people was Kartlos, the great grandson of the Biblical Japheth - Noahs son (Kartlos was son of Togarmah, son of Gomer, the eldest son of Japeth). Kartlos should have been "a brave, gigantic man", "the legendary giant".
    Mount Kazbek is one of the major mountains of the Caucasus, not too far
Mount Kazbek
Mount Kazbek
away from the Borjomi Gorge. It is associated in Georgian folklore with Amirani, the Georgian version of Prometheus, the titan from Greek mythology, who was chained on the mountain in punishment for having stolen fire from the gods and having given it to mortals. The legend is traced between 3.000 and 2.000 years BC. The location of his imprisonment later became the site of an Orthodox hermitage located in a cave called “Betlemi” (Bethlehem) at around the 4000 meter level. According to legends, this cave housed many sacred relics, including biblical Abraham's tent and the manger of the infant Jesus.
Six-fingered angel at Monastery Shemokmedi
Monastery Shemokmedi
    In the Monastery Shemokmedi in the western Georgian province of Guria you can find a painting of a sixfingered angel, and it is said that giants often had six fingers. The site even predates the monastery's early Christian origins and there is also "Stone of Giant". According to a legend a giant used to terrify the village until Saint George was called to help. He killed the giant, as he had killed the dragon, and the grateful people erected the church for Saint George.
Statue of Amirani
Statue of Amirani
    In Greek mythology Aeëtes was a King of Colchis, an ancient Georgian kingdom. Aeëtes was a son of the titan sungod Helios and Perseis - a daughter of the titan Oceanus. His daughter Medea, sometimes known as the witch of Colchis, helped Jason (of Argonaut fame) secure the Golden Fleece. Medea then fled with Jason. Her son Medeus became the eponymous founder of the Persians (the people of today's Iran).
An ancestor of Jesus Christ
According to the gospels of Luke and Matthew, David was an ancestor of Jesus Christ through both Joseph and Mary. He is depicted an acclaimed warrior, musician, and poet - and he is also known for having red hair, based on the description of his physical appearance as "admoni", 'red-haired', in 1 Samuel 16-17. He had a fine appearance and handsome features and his
life is conventionally dated to c. 1040-970 BC.
Did Jesus actually
look like this?
   Jesus Christ of the Bible seems to have been as historical person just as King David - and guess what: Jesus was tall, blond and had blue eyes! Read the letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar: "His golden coloured hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect." Or the Archko Volume in The Vatican: "He is the picture of his mother. His hair is a little more golden than hers. He is tall, and his shoulders are a little drooped. His eyes are large and a soft blue."
   Yes, let us see what other information we can find in the Bible and other documents about the family of Jesus Christ and King David. According to Genesis (and Ruth), David is the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob of Israel and ancestor of the tribes of Israel, which were named after his descendants. He was the grandson
of Abraham. Father Abraham made according to the scriptures a covenant with God, who promised land and descendants as numerous as the stars.
A descendant of Noah's son Shem
Abraham's father Terah was born in Nippur into a priestly-royal family, but moved later to the ancient city of Ur and then to Haran that was an ancient city in Upper Mesopotamia and now a village in Sanliurfa, Turkey. Nippur was one of the most ancient (some historians date it back to 5262 BC) of all the Babylonian cities of which we have any knowledge, the special seat of the worship of the Sumerian god Enlil. The Sumerian scriptures says that when Enlil saw that the humans created by his brother Enki were demi-gods, giants, he decided to kill them by sending a flood.
Christians believe that Jesus was a descendant of Abraham through Isaac; Isaac who was saved by an angel when God tested Abrahams faith by telling him to sacrifice his son on an altar. Abraham was a descendant of Noah's son, Shem. Noah of the Great Flood had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Noah has landed
Noah has landed
    We all know the biblical story about Noah and the Ark: God sees that the man he has created has become wicked and decided to send a great flood to cleanse the Earth. But God changed his mind a bit and told Noah to build a large ark. When Noah, his family and all the animals are safe on board, God sends the Flood, which rises until all the mountains are covered and all life on Earth is destroyed. According to the Bible the ark came to rest on one of the tops of the mountains of Ararat in present-day Turkey. Noah and his family were safe and could start to repopulate the Earth.
Sons of God
So what has all this to do with giants and human archaic species of Georgia? Well, we have seen that there might be a link between the ruling family of Georgia and Noah of the Great Flood. As the scriptures says: "There were giants in the earth in those days, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them". Some biblical literalists say that the ones that God wanted to cleanse from the Earth with the Great Flood were the children that his sons had with the humans; the giants!
King Og's bed
King Og's bed
   So let us say that the giants were wiped from the Earth by the great flood but obviously a few of them survived. Some says they one of the women aboard the ark already was pregnant with a giant - it could even have been Noah's wife, as some speculate! The giants blood-line survived through the great flood, and was brought to what was supposed to be a giant-free Earth! A Jewish legend tells that the giant King Og begged and prayed to Noah to come aboard the ark, and that Noah made an agreement with him that the could sit on the back of an giant unicorn that was tied to the outside of the ark since there was not enough room inside for it. Og was the king of the Amorites, described in Genesis 10:16 as descendants of Canaan, son of Ham (son of Noah). They are described as a powerful people of great stature "like the height of the cedars," who had occupied the land east and west of the Jordan. King Og is being described as the last "of the remnant of the Rephaim" - the giants.
The Ark? Click to read about flood myths!
The Ark?
No physical evidence
The scientists doubt that the story from the Bible about Noah and the flood has anything to do with reality, and say that no physical evidence of the ark has been found. Well,
there are hundreds of very simular flood stories all over the world. In several of them you even find a name simular to Noah (like Nuu in Hawaii) even if they were
Seashells, Titicaca
Seashells Titicaca
written on a place and at a time that they had no chance to have heard the Christian version! Sea shell fossils have been found on mountain tops all over the world. Lake Titicaca on the border of Peru and Bolivia is 3,811 m (12,500 ft) above sea level, and there is evidence that it was once a saltwater sea. Its shoreline is littered with millions of fossilized seashells, and the marine fishes and seahorses in the lake are all oceanic types found only in salt water. Some researchers are convinced that ruins of what
Wharf? Tiwanaku
Wharf? Tiwanaku
have been gigantic stone wharfs once lay at sea level, and that a enormous catastrophe once folded the land up to make the Andes mountains.
    Myself I was stunned on a flight from Bangkok in Thailand to Oslo in Norway and happened to look out of the window when we flew across Turkmenistan on the eastern side of the Caspian Sea: A large area was dotted with lakes and hills that look exactly like it
Turkmenistan lakes
Turkmenistan lakes
had been washed over by gigantic waves!
    When it comes to the ark: Mount Ararat is a prohibited military zone, so no foreigner is usually allowed to enter the area. Some say that a piece of 5000 year old wood has been found and that American researchers discovered a metal trestle under the earth, 137 metres long and 23 metres wide, which corresponds exactly to the dimensions of the Ark given
to Noah in the Bible.
Scythian warriors
Scythian warriors
A race of superb horsemen
Before we leave our "bible studies" we have to look a bit more at Noah and his family: Magog is the second of the seven sons of Japheth, one of Noah's three sons, as mentioned in Genesis.
    The territory allotted to Magog after the Flood was the region north and east of the Caucasus, what is now southern Russia and the Central Asian republics. His descendants were by the Greek referred to as "Scythians".
Ukraine stelae
Ukraine stelae
    Gomer was Japeth's eldest son, and it has been debated what land he and his ancestors populated. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, of the 5th century BC, the Gomerians/ Cimmerians inhabited the region north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea during the 8-7th century BC, in what is now Ukraine and Russia. Some stone stelae found in Ukraine and the northern Caucasus have been connected with the Cimmerians, and they are in a style clearly different from both the later Scythians.
    Military intelligence reports to the assyrian king Sargon in the 8th century BC describe the Cimmerians as occupying territory south of the Black Sea, while the 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian Josephus placed Gomer and the "Gomerites" in ancient Galatia - an area in the highlands of central Anatolia in modern Turkey. Other historians believe that Galatia was named for the immigrant Gauls (Celts) from Thrace who settled here and
The native name for Georgia is Sakartvelo, named after the ancient Georgian tribe Kartli. Georgia has been inhabited since the Paleolithic Age. The earliest remains of human ancestors outside of Africa were unearthed at the Dmanisi archaeological site, which dates from approximately 1.8 million years ago. The site has yielded some of the earliest tools associated with human ancestors. Later prehistoric remains (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic) have been discovered in numerous caves and open-air sites in Georgia.
became its ruling caste in the 3rd century BC (yes, we still remember the Greek myth about the hundred Thracian giants who waged war on the gods!)
    The Scythians were a race of superb horsemen and archers, and they some researchers believe that they forced the Gomerians to emigrate into Europe around 700 BC even as far as Ireland - yes, possibly as far as North America!
   The Kurgans were quite literally the original Caucasians, having originated from the area around the Caucasus from which the term has derived - almost 1000 years before the Schytians (even if the Scythians can be said to be Kurgans, if I understand the scientists corrects). They were tall, blonde-haired and blue-eyed, expert horsemen and chariot riders They buried their dead in large burial mounds , the term kurgan means "burial mound".
    Meshech was another son of Japeth. He is named with his brother Tubal as principalities of Gog, prince of Magog. Yes, Magog is in the Book of Ezekiel a place and not an individual: - Son of man, direct your face towards Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince, leader of Meshech and Tubal.
Evil darkness of the north
So who was Gog? It is hard to find any reference to Gog in the ancient writings besides the Book of Ezekiel. Here "Gog from Magog" is considered to be a symbol of the evil darkness of the north, a king that should come from the East and make war with Israel. Ezekiel also mention that Gog is the ally of Gomer, Japeths oldests son.
     Aurelius Ambrosius (better known as Saint Ambrose 340-397AD), was a bishop of Milan and he claimed that Gog was a name for the Goths. The Goths were according to some scholars an East Germanic tribe of Scandinavian (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) origin but the ancient Greeks considered the Goths to be Scythians (Herodotus 440 B.C.) .
Map of Khazaria
    Gog and Magog became by some other ancient scholars identified with the Khazars, whose empire dominated Central Asia in the 9th and 10th centuries. So did also a Georgian tradition, which called them "wild men with hideous faces and the manners of wild beasts, eaters of blood". King Joseph of Khazaria claimed to be a descendant of Magog's nephew Togarmah. The ancient Khazar Empire was a major but now almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in 740 AD converted to Judaism. It was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan of the Mongol Empire, but some evidence indicates that the Khazars migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western (Ashkenazim) Jewry.
Girl from Caucasus
Girl from Caucasus
    It is said that Kazaria was divided between Ak-Khazars ("White Khazars") and Kara-Khazars ("Black Khazars"). The Arab writer Istakhri claimed that the White Khazars were strikingly handsome with reddish hair, white skin and blue eyes while the Black Khazars were swarthy verging on deep black as if they were some kind of Indian.
One Christian schoolar identified two of Magog's sons as Suenno, progenitor of the Swedes, and Gog (also known as Gethar or Gogus) as the ancestor of the Goths. Another historian asserted that Meshech, another of Japeths sons, first ruled also in Britain.
    The Georigian people have traditions that they, and other Caucasus people, as well as Armenians, share descent from Meshech.

Images of Gog and Magog in the  London parade!
Gog and Mag parade.
Guardians of London
According to the tradition, the giants Gog and Magog are guardians of the City of London, and images of them have been carried in the Lord Mayor's Show the second Saturday of November since the days of King Henry V. The story is that the Roman Emperor Diocletian had thirty-three wicked daughters. He found thirty three husbands for them to curb their wicked ways; they chafed at this, and under the leadership of the eldest sister, Alba, they murdered them. For this crime, they were set adrift at sea; they were washed ashore on a windswept island, which after Alba was called Albion (the oldest name of Great Britain). Here they coupled with demons and gave birth to a race of giants, among whose descendants were Gog and Magog. Another version of the story has it that these two giants were the last two survivors of the sons of the infamous daughters, who were captured and kept chained to the gates of a palace on the site of Guildhall to act as guardians.
Any truth to the Bible?
We have seen how the ruling family of Georgia seems to be related to persons of the Bible - from Noah to Jesus. But is there any truth to the Christian Bible or is it just folklore and religious rhetoric as some believe? Well, there exist, as we have seen, historical documents going all the way back to the time of Jesus - and even before. The "Dead Sea Scrolls" is a collection of 972 texts from the Hebrew Bible and extra-biblical documents found between 1947 and 1956 in 11 caves on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. These manuscripts date between 150BC and 70AC and confirmed the integrity of the Hebrew Bible. Before this discovery, the earliest extant manuscripts of the Old Testament were in Greek in manuscripts such as Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1209 and Codex Sinaiticus.
     In the early 1900s, German excavators mapped the ancient Babylon and found that it closely corresponded to the biblical description. Other archeologcal findings has long confirmed other great cities mentioned in the Bible, including the ancient Assyrian capital, Nineveh. Egyptian history and culture generally matched the biblical accounts.
Troy excavations by Schliemann.
Troy excavations
    When it comes to the Greek myths and ancient scriptures so is it quite astonishing to learn they also in correspond with the Biblical scriptures in many cases - and that the ancient Greeks believed their myths to be true is well documented. A major work of Greek mythology was the Iliad by Homer, which is an account of the Trojan war. Up until quite recent times most people accepted that it was a work of complete fiction. But in the 1870s the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann excavated the area and found the remains of Troy - and also the ruins of King Minos' palace has been found.
Sumerian cuniform tabletty confirming the Bible.
Confirming the Bible
British Museum
The Sumerians were, as we have mentioned, one of the earliest societies to emerge in the world, in Mesopotamia. They developed a writing system known as cuneiform, written on wet clay with a sharpened stick, or stylus. British Museum holds a collection of 130,000 cuneiform tablets, dating back 5,000 years. Over thousands of years Sumerian scribes recorded daily events, trade, astronomy, and literature on clay tablets. Recently Michael Jursa, a professor from Vienna, was searching these tablets for Babylonian financial accounts. Suddenly he came across a name he half remembered - Nabu-sharrussu-ukin, described there in a hand 2,500 years old, as "the chief eunuch" of Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon. This was another discovery that supports the view that the more historical books of the Old Testament are based on facts.
Vekua holding the skull, pluss his team.
Vekua and the team
Challenges the "Out-of-Africa" theory
Back to human ancient bones in Georgia; Professor Abesalom Vekua explains in the Russian tv-news-story that the Borjomi-bones are larger and more robust that those of homo sapiens, and he is not unfamiliar with doing sensational archaeological findings. In 1983, while excavating the remains of a 1,000-year-old castle in Dmanisi, Vekua and a team member from the Georgian State Museum found a tooth of a rhinoceros, an odd creature to have been wandering the Caucasus Mountains. Speculation about what lay in the sediments beneath the castle spurred further excavations. Stone tools recovered in 1984 and two skulls discovered in 1999 were all dated to 1.8 million years ago, making the site a
Dmanisi skull
Dmanisi skull
rare treasure trove for scientists interested in human evolution. Later four fossil skeletons were found. Most scientists consider the Georgian Homo erectus georgicus to be a subgroup of Homo erectus. No-one would have expected to find such fossils outside Africa, so the Dmanisi-fossils can hardly help but cause a re-evaluation of current scenarios about human evolution and migration: They, included a very well preserved skull fossil, challenges the "Out-of-Africa" theory!
Surviving specimens of Homo Erectus
Some scientists say that the so called "Almas" are a relict population of Neanderthals or surviving specimens of Homo Erectus. They have been connected to the Denisova Hominina found in Siberia and to the Yeti of the Himalayas. Stories and reports dating from the last fifty years have located the almas community around the Caucasus mountains near Russia and the Black Sea. "Almas" is mongolian for "wild man". The plural term almasty is derived from Russian, while other variations of the name are almasti, almaslar, bnahua, and ochokochi, which translates as the name for a forest deity in the West Asian regions, such as Armenia and Georgia. Almases are most often described as
Zana's son Kwhits' skull
Skull of Zana's son
human-like animals, between five and six and a half feet tall (the male often much taller), their bodies covered with reddish-brown hair, with facial features including a pronounced browridge, flat nose, and a weak chin. Some almases have reportedly been captured, and most famous was a wildwoman named Zana. She was captured in the mountains in 1850 and lived in the isolated village of T'khina fifty miles from Sukhumi. Zana gave birth to a number of children of as good as normal human appearance but several of these children died in infancy.
Skeletons of giants
The earliest mentioning of giants in Georgia dates back to early 1900's - at the time a part of the Russian Empire. Some boys discovered a cave full of humanoid skeletons. To get to the cave, they had to dive into a lake. Each skeleton was about three meters tall.
Zana's son Kwhits' skull
Borjomi bones
   Some say on the internet that a four-meter human skeleton was found by two amateur archaeologist in Georgia near the village of Udabno in the summer of the year 2000 and that skeletons of giants were found at a cave near Gora Kazbek in the 1920's. I am now trying to get this confirmed - or debunked (there are a lot of caves around Udabno and Kazbek is the mountain where according to the myths the Georgian titan Amirani was chained and you can find the cave that housed Abraham's tent and the manger of Jesus, as I have described earlier).
King Arthur kills the giant
King Arthur
Huge, tall people
"The Narts were a tribe of heroes. They were huge, tall people"; so you can read in the Nart sagas, a series of tales originating from the North Caucasus. They form the basic mythology of the tribes in the area, including Abazin, Abkhaz, Circassian, Ossetian, Karachay-Balkar and Chechen-Ingush folklore. Yes, the Narts themselves are a race of giants and heroes and some motifs in the sagas are shared by Greek mythology - like the mentionerd story of Prometheus chained to Mount Kazbek (or Mount Elbrus) and the myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece (in which Colchis is generally accepted to have been part of modern-day Georgia). Some believe that many aspects of the legends about King Arthur are derived from the Nart sagas, like the one where Arthur kills a giant living on a mountain.
    In the Georgian myths you can also read about the "Devi", giants, usually believed to be evil beings. The devis lived in the underworld or remote mountains, where they hoarded treasures and kept captives. The myths usually depicted a family of devis, with nine brothers being an average numbers. Bakbak-Devi was most often the strongest and most powerful of the devis.
Human evolution
Man and model of Gigantopithecus Blacki
If we look at human evolution from a purely scientific view then the accepted theory is that there were no giants in our earliest history, not in Georgia nor any other place on our planet. But renowned professor Lee Berger says that there has been a period of gigantism and as we have seen: He has bones to prove it! Also the German anatomist Franz Weidenreich came up with the notion that there had been a period of gigantism in human evolution, and that modern humans were the diminutive descendants of these giants. He argued that the Gigantopithecus teeth were human-like, and that it had been a member of the human family tree rather than an extinct ape. Gigantopithecus Blacki is by most scientists considered to be the largest ape that has ever lived, up to 3 metres (9.8 ft) tall, and weighing up to 540 kilograms (1,200 lb). Some scientists believe that the almas, the "wild people" of the Caucasus mountains to be the descendants of tall Homo Erectus, while Lee Berger consider the giants of South Africa to be tall Homo Heidelbergensis.
Ardipithecus Ramidus
Ardipithecus Ramidus
Homo Erectus
Homo Erectus
Fallen angels
It seems that something strange must have happened in the earliest human history. We "suddenly" changed from being small apes with small brains to walking hominids of about the same size as we have today - with about the same brain-size. Most scientists claim that this is a natural evolution but some ask how the size of the brain can be doubled in what seems to be one step; they say that the change is too big.
    So who or what can behind this change if not a natural evolution? Traditional biblical scholars will say that God created apes and humans - not apes that turned into humans: That Genesis tells us that God created Adam, the first human, from the dust of the ground and then he created Eve from one of Adam's ribs so that Adam not should be alone. And that we humans of course are the decendants of Adam and Eve - that they were created the way we look today. But we also remember that Genesis tells that the sons of God (or more correct; "Gods" in plural) found the human females pleasing and had children with them. Some believe the sons of God were that same as the "fallen angels"/"watchers" who according to the scriptures had come down from heaven to Earth. That they gave rise to a race of hybrids known as the Nephilim; giants so tall that "the Hebrews were like grasshoppers in comparison." Most traditional Christian scholars believe them to have been powerful demons but others believe that they, like Goliath and his brothers, just were tall misfits with bad habits; Rebellious misfits that God sent the great flood to eradicate.
Sumerian gods creates a human
Enki creates a human
Genetically manipulated
The Sumerians developed one of the earliest civilizations on earth, from the 4th millennium BC - in the area that now is southern Iraq but before was known as Mesopotamia. Their creation myth is very simular to the one of the Christian bible; Their gods created the world with sky, water, animals and humans.
In the Bible the humans are made from dust, in the Sumerian texts they are formed from clay. In both the Bible and the Sumerian texts the humans are created in the image of the god(s). Also the sons of the Sumerian gods begot children with the humans, and also their offspring were giants - like Gilgamesh.
    Some of the ancient Sumerian clay tables depicting the creation of the human race show the struggle their gods seems to have trying to make the humans; it seems to have been an intricate process. Some says that this creation process in facts was a medical experiment, where aliens from the stars (the Sumerian texts say that their gods came from the stars) created humans that they could use as their servants (or slaves if you like; Zecharia Sitchin claimed that the texts reveals that the humans were created by Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru to work in gold mines); that the tablets show that instruments and medication were used.
    So if there is something true to the oldest creation tale; might be the archaic homo species, like Homo Neanderthal, Homo Erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis and Cro-Magnon were genetically manipulated existing animal species like apes?
Died out
Also the ancient Sumerians had stories of a great flood. Their supreme god Enlil wanted the mankind to vanish (might be because they became to many and/or powerful), but the god Enki who had been responsible for creating the humans warns the hero Ziusudra (Atrahasis/ Utnapishtim) and gives him instructions on building an ark.
   So - according to the Christian bible, the Sumerian tablets and simular flood stories all over the world, the human race more or less was wiped out in worldwide flood. Only a few survived and started repopulating the earth.
Peru skull from Nazca
Skull from Nazca, Peru
Daughter of the pharaoh Akhenaten
Daughter of pharaoh
Homo neanderthalensis
   Traditional scientists will tell you that there was no worldwide flood; only local floods caused by the melting ice at the end of the last ice-age about 10.000 years ago. Well, a world wide flood or not; Advanced civilisations appeared almost instantly all over the world. The European explorers that came hundreds of years later heard that native people have had assistance: Human looking "gods" had helped them to develop agriculture, husbandry, written language, mathematics and science. Yes, very tall, white skinned, blonde and blue-eyed gods came, helped - and left. And then the highly advanced civilisations deteriorated so fast and completely that only the buildings and the memories were left.
    Well, might be the gigantic visitors left more than memories, because very unusual skulls have been found all over the world where advanced civilisations once have existed. Elongated, large skulls have been found in Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, Egypt and other places where advanced civilisations once existed.
    The biggest change from being apes to humans must be the skulls - we have much bigger brains. But surprisingly enough; Homo neanderthalensis, that lived 600.000-20.000 years ago, had a bigger brain than we have today. Their skulls were not as elongated as the skulls of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, his daughters and his wife Nefertiti (and Tutankhamen) but there is a clear resemblance. And we also know that the pharaoh Ramses II was a very tall man that had a Nordic appearance - even blond hair. Yes, many of the pharaohs and their relatives had blond hair and light skin, as we can see on wall paintings and also their mummies.

Remains of the legendary Atlantis
Pyatigorsk Skull from Caucasus
Skull from Caucasus
But they have not found any elongated skulls in Georgia? No, not yet. But they have quite recently found elongated skulls in the north Caucasus mountains, not far away at all!
    According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (circa 484 - 425BC), Egyptians occupied the area of Colchis at the eastern end of the Black Sea. Herodotus states that these Egyptians knew more about Egyptian history than the Egyptians themselves. Apollonius of Rhodes, who lived some years later, states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. The kingdom of Colchis, which existed from the sixth to the first centuries BCE, is regarded as the first Georgian state. Some believe that secret tablets have revealed that the Colchis was built on the remains of the legendary Atlantis. Well, the only source we have of Atlantis is the Greek writer Platon, who in about
360 BC mentioned in his writings a story from his ancestor Solon. While visiting the priests of Sais in Egypt, the Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and poet Solon (638 BC - 558 BC) learned the
The migration route
The migration route
story of a magnificent ancient civilization that disappeared 9.000 years earlier, that great earthquakes and floods had destroyed Atlantis (the name should have been made up later, and it has nothing to do with the Atlantic Ocean - and The Pillars of Heracles was not Gibraltar but the Bosporus Strait!). The surviving Atlanteans had fled to the southwest and finally reached the fertile soil and mild climate of Egypt. Some of the mountain villages in Colchis should have been relatively untouched by the cataclysmic disaster, and that is why the ancient Greek historians talk about Egyptians in what today is Georgia - they were the pro-Egyptians!
Ancient gold necklace from Colchis.
Gold necklace from Colchis
Golden Fleece
There seems to have been a ancient link between Georgia and Egypt, and there definitely was a link to Greece. The Greek historians of the ancient times had as we have seen an intriguing knowledge about the country they called Colchis, and ancient Greek legends told of a fabulously wealthy land where Jason and the Argonauts stole the Golden Fleece from King Aeetes with the help of his daughter Medea. The Golden Fleece was the fleece of the gold-haired, winged ram. Well, the ancient Greeks referred to Colchis as "polychrysos", meaning "rich in gold" and it is a fact that gold have been mined in Georgia and that the country today represents an extremely prospective region for gold deposits! It was said that gold was carried down by the mountain torrents, and that it in ancient times was obtained by means of perforated troughs and fleecy skins! Golden Fleece - but not on a living ram!

    Did I forget to mention that Jason and his brave men had to fight off a gang of giants before they reached Colchis, with Heracles killing most of them?
Armour and spears
The giants of the earliest Greek legends were nothing like the stupid trolls of the Nordic myths - they were represented in human form and equipped with armour and spears.
The ancient Greek believed that their legends were true - that the gods, giants and heroes had lived. So many of the Georgian legends are so simular to the Greek that there must be a link, there must be something true to the basics of the legends! And it is quite strange that so many of their legends include Colchis and the Caucasus mountains. Why should Prometheus, the titan from Greek mythology, be chained to a mountain in Georgia? Would it not be more natural that the gods chained him to Mount Olympus? Not only is it the tallest mountain in Greece but it was here the ancient gods lived! Also where the gods were attacked by 24 giants, quite successfully until the god Heracles immobilized the leader of the giants by tossing him over his broad shoulders, and rushing him over the Thracian border. Yes, the giant was sent back to where he
Maximinus Thrax
Maximinus Thrax
came from but history does not really give clear information on where Thracia was situated but it was someplace to the north or northeast. In one ancient Greek source, the very Earth is divided into "Asia, Libya, Europa and Thracia".
     Another giant from Trachia was Maximinus Thrax - and we know that he was real. His name can be translated to "The Giant from Thracia" and he was Roman Emporor from year 173 to 238. According to Historia Augusta, "he was of such size, so Cordus reports, that men said he was eight foot, six inches in height". We do have busts and coins showing Maximinus with his prominent brow, nose and jaw but if he really was 2.60 tall is hard to tell.
Stolen the Odin-name
Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl often emphasized that the legends often were the older days' history books, and many of his archaeological findings were done by studying the legends. Yes, he regret that he had not studied the ancient texts even better before he sailed off into the Pacific in the Kon-Tiki raft, for later tests showed that the ancient
centreboards, guaras, that he had seen on old drawings were much more fit to
navigate a raft than the long steering-oar they used!
     I do not think that Thor Heyerdahl ever motioned human giants in his books or research papers but for a more that 60 years he tried to figure out who the tall, white "gods" that in pre-history travelled the world were. The research led him across many oceans and from country to country. And it finally brought him to Azov in Russia, just north of Georgia and the Caucasus mountains! The Norwegian Viking kings bragged that they were descendants of a god named Odin.
Ancient gold necklace from Colchis.
Heyerdahl believed that this Odin was a chief that had emigrated from the area around the river Don at the time of the Roman expansion - to escape the Roman soldiers. He had stolen the Odin-name to impress the local people! Well, the Norwegian Viking kings were tall - often very tall - and blonde, at a time where few people in Norway were tall and blond. Could this Odin be a giant from the Caucasus-mountains?
Systematic expedition and research
Back to the findings of Georgia:
Otar Bagaturia
Otar Bagaturia
One of the members of the expedition to find the giant bones of Borjomi was Dr. Otar Bagaturia, a senior lecturer in Political Science, Department of Public Administration at Georgian Technical University (Tbilisi, Georgia). Here is what he has been writing in e-mail to me:
    "There is no systematic research in Georgia in this field, but it is discussed to whom and to which era these bones belongs:
- early Christian era, because there is used Roman concrete for church and may be for crypt very close to this church, where these bones were found, and so the bones could belong to ancient human, may be to christian Georgians.
- These bones are from prehistoric era and belong to some specific race of prehistoric human.
You find legends of a very tall, white, blond and blue-eyed god or god-man all over the world. The Aztec, Maya and Inca call him Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan and Viracocha, respectively. He came, helped the people and left - and is thought to return. Some believe that the Maya legends tell that he will return on the 21 December 2012. They do not say in what form he will return, though. Might be DNA-testing of ancient bones of what we call giants will make him "come alive" so that the scientists can tell his intriguing story and make the world wake up to a new reality?

- Or may be for some kind of "Gigantopithec" (gigantic Ape or Anthropoid)
Yes, we found them (the bones) in the crypt but may be thees bones were found by builders of the church and regraved but that the owners of these bones died much more earlier. These church, crypt and road stones are not Megalithic, but generally in Georgia and also around it, in this specific area, are huge stones which may be are waste of Megalithic age."
    Baghaturia explains that they have not found somebody who could arrange a systematic expedition and research, and that some members of the group are sceptic to allow others in on the research. He is anyway hoping that a new expedition can be made and also that they could find equipment to do proper dating of the bones.
So many questions
There are so many questions to be answered but at least we have seem that there is a link between Georgia, the Christian Bible, the Greek Legends, ancient kingdoms and very tall people. Yes, there even is a link between archaic humans and Georgia. And interesting enough; It seems that the Caucasus Mountains in one way or another is at the centre of it all.
     In the next article we will go to the other side of the Caucasus mountains to take a close look at the fossilized bones that were excavated in Denisova Cave in Altai Krai, Russia - among them a tooth larger than any human bone previously found!

Terje Dahl

(See additions from the editor further down. The article about the giant bones in the Denisova cave is now completed - click here)

What do you think?
Do you have any ideas, thoughts or facts - please send them to Terje Dahl: terje@sydhav.no

Here are the ideas, thoughts and facts our readers have sent in:

The Amorites are the Martu Horsemen [Mara horse} of the tribe of Tubal as are also the Khazars from the sons of Kesedim of the sons of Tubal: all tall and blond men: and their city is Urfed of the Kesedim i Anatolia. And as where Abraham came from Ur of Mesopotamia was added into the picture after it modern discovery by the scholar: old scholars; knew that it was the Ur in Anatolia.. I have more information if you would like: fafdc51@gmail.com or on Facebook under my name?
Frank A Fontana DC

Giants of Georgia's Borjomi valley
In my opinion after watching the science tv channel re the giant bones found and then stolen after the death of the scientist who found them to stop in my opinion the news getting out as to what and who these people are or were...
     In my opinion they are the BIG FOOT (yeti) that so many siting's from people who have seen them alive and well... Please do not respond as I do not want any spam coming back to me either so I will delete this after I send you a copy. I just want people to stop calling them giant people as they are the Big Foot that so many have seen still walking around today
Carol Berger
I found your article very interesting .. thank you ..
I have been following the idea of giants nephilim etc for a while now and have noticed a couple of things .. the description of these giants tends to be fair or red hair blue or green eyes pale etc shining ones as they have been termed , all of which in modern times we associate with Scandinavians .. the areas (in the mid east) where these legends occur tend to be areas tend to be areas that have haplogroup J2 present .. Cro-Magnons were in-correctly thought to be haplogroup R1B/A for a long time but now it is known that actually Cro-Magnons were haplogroup I which is way downstream from F ... haplogroups I and J both stem from the same supergroup called IJ which was in the middle east (don't forget the mid east at these time was much cooler due to the ice age , one group moved into Europe and became I the other stayed in the mid east and mutated into J however the 2 groups are difficult to distinguish from each other genetically to this day ..
I believe that the stereotypical Scandinavian tall pale etc is the purest look of what these IJ people looked like ... the far northern sub-group I1 being the most isolated in the far north of Europe .. the J brother group that stayed behind found themselves in a more pleasing climate for others to migrate into after the melting of the ice age and then came from Africa the E haplogroup --- Imagine the reaction of these African pioneers when they came across the original J people ??? very tall Scandinavian appearance ... Over the millennia since this first contact there would have been embellished myths about them etc .. over time as the groups merged they became what we see as middle easterners today .. both J and E are the highest groups all across the middle east .. in the far north of this world in the Caucasus the E migrants would've been less inclined to settle and here perhaps the last shining ones would've still maintained their original look.
I don't agree with everything they say in these links but there are perhaps some grains of truth that can be picked from them:
This forum has links within it that talk about IJ haplogroup: http://www.anthrogenica.com/archive/index.php/t-1605.html "J-M172 can be classified as Greco-Anatolian, Mesopotamian and/or Caucasian and is linked to the earliest indigenous populations of Anatolia. It was carried by Bronze Age immigrants to Europe, and ultimately descends from the Cro-Magnon population (IJ-M429 Y-DNA) that emerged in Southwest Asia around 35,000 years ago."
Wikipedia.org - Haplogroup J2 M172: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_J-M172_(Y-DNA)
.... I hope you find this subject of interest
I believe you should look into genetics to dig deeper into the truth .. the majority of paternal (ydna) of the Caucasus area is J2a and G2a ... the nakh for example are 89% j2a chechens 56% j2a .. ossetians on the other hand are higher in g2a but also have j2a .. I think if you start looking into the ydna then it may help you .. thanks...
I love your article.
Myah Thomas

Few short comments: Nephilym (spelling?) was the name given the spawn of fallen Angels ("the watchers" according to the book of Enoch) & the daughters of man. These Nephyllim show up again during Joshua's time. They can't just be doing the same thing in Joshua's time that they were doing in Adam's time?. David was not the grandson of Abraham but Obed, the son of a Moabite woman not an Amorite woman. Also an Assyrian black obelisk from the time of the dispersion of the northern Kingdom of Israel lists the Northern tribes of Israel as the Sache or Scythians. It also lists that they were relocated just below the Caucasus mountains. This account is in keeping with the Biblical account in 2 Chronicles. It is also in keeping with the Biblical blessing/promises of their character- good with the bow fierce warriors, etc. Check out britam.org & missingbibletribes.org. I fully expect to see more cultic demonic activity of breeding with the daughters of man. Jesus promises that before His return it would be as in the days of Noah.

Additions from the editor:

According to Wikipedia:
The Trialeti culture, named after Trialeti region of Georgia, is attributed to the first part of the 2nd millennium BC. The Trialeti culture was known for its particular form of burial. The elite were interred in large, very rich burials under earth and stone mounds, which sometimes contained four-wheeled carts. Also there were many gold objects found in the graves. These gold objects were similar to those found in Iran and Iraq. This form of burial in a tumulus or "kurgan", along with wheeled vehicles, is the same as that of the Kurgan culture which has been associated with the speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language. The Trialeti culture was a second culture to appear in Georgia, after the the Shulaveri-Shomu culture which existed from 6000 to 4000 BC. The Trialeti culture shows close ties with the highly-developed cultures of the ancient world, particularly with the Aegean.
Gold and jewels
Göbekli Tepe in southern Turkey

Well, the Pit Grave culture for the kurgans is said to have been around 3000 BC. Take a look at the gold and jewel amulets that were found in the graves: I am not sure that we can make such brilliant artwork with today's modern technology and instruments! The artefacts were found in large burial mounds (quite simular to Göbekli Tepe in Turkey
and also American mounds) but not buried people were found inside. Nor have the archaeologists found any settlements after the after the people - and this is a mystery to them! What if the mounds, as the pyramids, were mente to be a kind of life-rafts? Where they made for the kings so that they could a large catastrophe, like the food of the Bible? But that the catastrophe struck before they managed to get the kings inside?

More history:
At the beginning of the patriarchate of the land of the Armenians and Georgians and at the head of our clan was T'orgom. He had eight brave and gigantic sons. The senior [son] among them was Hayk; second was K'art'los; third was Bardos; fourth was Movkan; fifth was Lekan; sixth was Heros; seventh was Kovkas; and eighth was Egere's. When T'orgom divided his legacy among his sons, he gave the land of Armenia, with all [g113] its borders to Hayk, while [he gave] to K'art'los and the other brothers the northern Tsmak ("forested") lands.
Armazi (Georgian: ??????) was, according to the medieval Georgian chronicles, the supreme deity in a pre-Christian pantheon of ancient Georgians of Kartli (Iberia of the Classical sources). Here

And more:
Georgian literary tradition credits the first king of Kartli, Pharnavaz I of Iberia (assumed to have reigned c. 302-237 BC), with the raising of the idol Armazi – reputedly named after him – on a mountain at his capital, and the construction of a similarly named fortress. The 9th/10th century hagiographic work Life of Nino describes the statue of Armazi as "a man of bronze standing; attached to his body was a golden suit of chain-armour, on his head a strong helmet; for eyes he had emeralds and beryls, in his hands he held a sabre glittering like lighting, and it turned in his hands."
(So his eyes must have been blue!)

Gimbutas writes that the people of the Dnieper Donets Culture were large, strong, and broad-faced (brachycephalic) descendants of Paleolithic Cro-Magnon man. This is important.
The early Kurgans appear to have coexisted with another, more primitive culture, generally referred to as "Cro-Magnon".
Houston Stewart Chamberlain claimed that King David and Jesus were both Aryans of Amorite extraction. This argument was repeated by the Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg.
The Amorites are mentioned more than 80 times in Scripture, and early on, some were allied with Abraham (Genesis 14:13). They were descendants of Noah’s grandson Canaan (Genesis 10:15–16). Although the Bible does not provide this information, the Jewish general-turned-historian Josephus gives the name of their ancestor as Amorreus.1 While the Amorites are mentioned in the same contexts as other giants a few times, they are specifically described as giants in the Minor Prophets.


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