Are we pushing the human race towards extinction
- again?
Norwegian scientist and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl observed
climate changes all over the world. He was afraid that our
future is threatened by our use of fossil fuels - and asked
if the human race was about to make itself extinct to almost
the last man. Again.

Norwegian researcher and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl of the
Kon-Tiki fame travelled the world almost non-stop his whole
adult life to find our cultural origins. "To be able
to say something about the future you must know the past,"
was what he said.
Not long before he passed away in
2002, he asked me on the phone if we humans might have gone
extinct almost to the last man before, might be several times.
And he wondered if we could have been the culprits ourselves,
as so many legends and religious scriptures say.
on pictures and links for more info
that phone-call I have worked as much as I have been able
to in my spare time to find answers to his questions. And
I am getting more and more convinced that Heyerdahl was on
to something very, very important.
what do the legends say? Let us look at a few of the most
famous ones:
The Greek legends
Greeks legends are telling that there were four ages of humanity
(or five if you include the Heroic cycle). The first was The
Golden Age. The many gods of the time, like the major god
Zeus, lived on Mount Olympus but mingled among the ordinary
humans. Lesser gods were called titans and one of them was
Prometheus who stole the fire from the gods and gave it to
the humans. Wikipedia clams that The Golden Age according
to the Greek poet Hesiod was from around 500 to 300 BC and
ended in a war between Athens and Sparta - but this is wrong
since Hesiod shall have lived between 750 and 650 BC. So The
Golden Age must have been earlier than that!
The Silver Age followed the Golden
Age, and during this Age the people lived to be a hundred
years but men refused to worship the gods and Zeus destroyed
them for lack of respect.
So Zeus created new humans out of
the ash tree. The Bronze Age was undone by the humans' violent
ways and came to an end with the flood of Deucalion. Deucalion
can be compared to Utnapishtim of the Sumerian flood in the
Epic of Gilgamesh, and to Noah of the Flood from the Bible.

Pnyx megaliths, Greece
Iron Age followed and it was definitely not a good age, with
humans living in misery - with a total lack of respect for
anything or anybody. This brought this Age to an end.
The fifth age was The Heroic Age,
where the heroes fought at Troy and Thebes. This race of giants
disappeared when the heroes went to the Elysium Fields; a
place that according to Homer was located on the western edge
of the Earth.
The Greeks people of the time did
not believe that what the poets Hesiod and Ovid wrote was
mythology or fairytales but events that had taken place -
the gods and titans were real, the downfalls of humanity were
Chaldea and Egypt
Also the Chaldeans of ancient Mesopotamia (today what is most
of Iraq and Kuwait, the eastern parts of Syria and south-eastern
Turkey) have legends about cycles of time named after gold,
silver, steel and iron, and so did the people of the Persian
empire established by Cyrus the Great in 550 BC.

Pyramids, Egypt
In Egypt they believed that the world
had arisen out of the lifeless waters of chaos, called Nu.
A pyramid-shaped mound, the "benben", was the first
thing to emerge from the waters. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek
historian who lived between 60 and 30 BC says: "The Egyptians
were strangers, who, in remote times, settled on the banks
of the Nile, bringing with them the civilization of their
mother country, the art of writing, and a polished language.
They had come from the direction of the setting sun and were
the most ancient of men."
When the Great Pyramid first was opened
an inch thick layer of salt was found inside up to a level
corresponding to the watermarks on the outside. Might be the
Great Pyramid was the "benben"?

The Sphinx
Jars, Egypt
Schoch, a geologist and professor from USA, created a fuss
when he dated the Sphinx to be much older that earlier believed
- at least 7.000 years old. Now, two Ukrainian researchers
have proposed that the Sphinx of Egypt is around 800.000
years old, and they back it up by science!
Not only does the dating of the Sphinx
point to a period long before the first dynasty but there
is also used a technology in ancient Egypt that should not
have existed at that time. Take jars and bowls made of granite
and basalt. Some of them are fully hollowed with narrow undercut
flared openings, and some even have long necks. They would
be hard to make even today with modern equipment like diamond
tipped drills. Yes, it is safe to say that the techniques
or machinery employed to produce these jars and bowls has
yet to be replicated!
When examined in 1968 it was reported
that the Great Pyramid was permeated with a mysterios energy
that "defied
all known laws of physics". The latest
news (November 2017) is that archaeologists has discovered
a mysterious void
deep within the Great Pyramid. It has been said the Great
Pyramid stemmed from the Golden Age of Giants before the Great
Graham Hancock is a British researcher
of ancient technology. In this Youtube-video
he says he has no idea on how the Great Pyramid was built:
That the knowledge needed to build the pyramid with such a
precision did not exist at the time the pyramid is said to
been have built. And asks if it was built in a time of humanity
unknown to us.
Central America

Aztecs of Central America (and the Maya before them) called
the ages/periods for "suns"
and they believed that we have been through four suns.
In the first sun the first god, Ometeotl,
was both male and female and had created itself. Ometeotl
gave birth to four children; Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc
and Xipe Totec. They created the world with humans and other
gods. The humans in the first period were giants. Quetzalcoatl
and Tezcatlipoca had a fight which Quetzalcoatl won but Tezcatlipoca
took revenge be sending jaguars that killed all the humans/giants
and ended the first sun.
In the second sun humans were created
again but this time not as giants. But it so happened that
the humans became corrupt. Tezcatlipoca did not like this
and transformed them all to monkeys - and sent hurricanes
to wipe them out.
Tlaloc was responsible for the third
sun but Tezcatlipoca stole his wife. I revenge Tlaloc transformed
alle the humans to dogs, butterflies and turkeys. Quetzalcoatl
also got angry, and sent fire and ash that ended this period/sun.
The god chosen to reign the forth
sun was Tlalocs sister Chalchiuhtlicue. Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca
got jealous and turned the humans into fish. This sun/period
was ended by a great flood.
We are now in the fifth sun and the
legends foretell that our sun/periode will end in earthquakes.
North America
Hopi Indians of Arizona in USA say that we have been through
three world cycles - that we are now in the forth. Tawa, the
Sun Spirit, was the creator and he had formed the first world
with all it's inhabitants out of endless space. In each previous
period/world the people had become disobediant to what Tawa
wanted; they would not live in harmony but fought each other
and engaged in sexual promiscuity. So the worlds were destroyed
with their wicked inhabitants and just a few survived. The
Hopi are today afraid that the cycle we are in will come to
end if we do not change our ways.
Their legends also tell that they
originally lived in a land in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
but had to flee when the sea rose. The God that helped them
get from island to island across the ocean was Sky Kachina,
and she had six
fingers and could fly.
The Four
Creations are stories that were recorded in the 1950s
by Oswald White Bear Fredericks and his wife Naomi from the
storytelling of older Hopi at the village of Oraibi.
Also in North America there has been
controversy of what caused near glacial conditions during
the Younger Dryas. The most common theory was here, like many
other places in the world; that the cooling was caused by
a comet hitting the Earth. New research contradicts this:
"Chronological evidence fails to support claim
of an isochronous widespread layer of cosmic impact indicators
dated to 12,800 years ago", said archaeologist David
Meltzer at the proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences in 2014.

what caused the cooling of the USA? Nobody seems to know.
What now seems to be certain is that
North America was inhabited thousands
of years earlier than before believed. And we know there are
many stories of giants coming from overseas with an advanced
technology: The Mound
Builders. And also hundreds of newspaper articles
telling about large bones found in mounds and elsewhere.

with blue eyes
hindu of South-East Asia believe that we humans have been
through three cycles of time, and are now living in the fourth.
The first period was the Satya or Krita Yuga, and this was
considered a Golden Age. The second was The Treta Yuga, the
Age of Ritual. The third period was the Dvapara Yuga, the
Age of Doubt: Man loses the sense of the Divine Reality of
the world and grows away from natural law. The Kali Yuga,
the Age of Conflict and Confusion, began in 3012 BC and will
end with the nearly total devastation of the present humanity.
There is almost no memory of the previous cycles of time so
we do not know much about the dates and duration.
After investigating the Maya ruins in the Yucatán Peninsula
in southeastern Mexico, Augustus Le Plongeon (1825-1908) claimed
that he had translated ancient writings which showed that
the Maya civilization was older than the civilisations of
Greece and Egypt. And told the story of an even older continent
in the Atlantic: Mu. Well, he had borrowed the name from Charles
Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg who in 1864 read a word
in the Troano Codex as "Mu"; a land which had been
submerged by a

Churchward was a retired British officer and archaeologist
that had served in India and he claimed that a Hindu priest
had showed him ancient clay tablets telling about a lost continent.
After mastering the language himself, he said that Mu was
the home of an advanced civilization which flourished between
50.000 and 12.000 years ago. Mu should have had 64 millions
inhabitants, plus colonies on the other continents. Churchward
claimed that Mu was located in the Pacific Ocean, stretching
north-south from Hawaii to the island of Mangaia in the Cook
Islands, and east-west from the Mariana Islands to Easter
Island. The inhabitants had been a white rase "superior
in many respects to our own", but eventually Mu was "completely
obliterated in almost a single night"
books or fairytales?
So what do we actually know about the different cycles of
time? Are the legends about earlier times in human history
just myths and fairytales - or are they the history books
before we humans got a written language?
Ica stone
Ta Prohm
Aboriginal dinosaur
Dinosaus and human
the first period of mass extinction on Earth, as far as we
know, was the Cretaceous-Paleogene
extinction event that led to the extinction of most
dinosaurs about 66 million years ago.
so called "Ica
stones" is a collection of andesite stones found
in Peru with depictions of dinosaurs and also tall humans.
The mainstream scientists claim that the Ica-stones are fake
since humans did not co-exist with dinosaurs. The man that
found them in the 1960s admitted at one stage to have made
the carvings, but later but later recanted this, saying that
he had claimed they were a hoax to avoid imprisonment for
selling archaeological artefacts.
Many of the so-called "Acambaro
Figurines" found in Mexico depict dinosaurs.
Most scientists believe that the figurines are not genuine,
and again; no humans have ever seen a dinosaur, they died
out long before homo sapiens came to existence. Well, thermoluminescence
testing has shown that the figurines are about 4500 years
old. The question is then: How could somebody make a figurine
depicting a dinosaur, when fossil records of dinosaurs did
not exist?
the walls of the Ta
Prohm temple in Cambodia there are hundreds of carvings
of familiar animals but one of the carvings seems to be of
a Stegosaurus dinosaur! Again; the main stream scientists
say that this is a hoax or that the depiction does not show
a dinosaur. But research has shown that the carved figure
is old - and it definitely looks like a Stegosaurus!
are also other findings showing humans at an very ancient
time, like the "Petralona
man" in Europe found to be 700.000 years old
and the Valsequillo
artefacts from Mexico (included a engraved "green"
mastodon bone!) dated to ca. 250.000 years before the present.
The aboriginal people of Australia have legends about a very
ancient time when tall humans walked among the big animals,
like the "bunyip".
have been found what is believed to be ancient human
footprints together with dinosaur footprints in Australia
and the same goes for footprints in Texas!
resent finding of ancient footprints suggests that "humanlike
creatures" may have roamed Crete, Greece's largest
island, nearly 6 million years ago! And the latest "breaking
news" is that 9.7 million old "humanlike
teeth" has been discovered in Germany! These
findings could (or should) so absolutely rewrite the history
of mankind!

Hair? Snake?
believe that the 11.000 year old head of stone found in Nevali
Çori, close to Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, also could
rewrite history. From the top of the head and backwards is
something that the archaeologists claim is a snake or a hairstyle
called "shika". Well, I have never heard about a
snake with such a head - and the shika hairstyle does not
at all look like that! Or what about the ancient Serpent
Mound in Ohio, made thousands of years ago by a
earlier mentioned Mound Builders? There
burial mounds
in Ohio
the early pioneers
most of them.

Ohio Valley shall according to legends have been inhabited
by a race
of giants. A "serpent" is an old name for a snake,
but the figure in the old map of the Serpent Mound does not
really look like a snake either. But
take a look at a human sperm and you will see likenesses -
but of course the people of the time did not have microscopes
and did not know what sperm look like. Or did they?
of place artefacts
I have mentioned stones, figurines and footprints that should
raise a few eyebrows but there are so many ancient objects
found that cannot easily be explained. These are called "Out
of place artefacts" - OOPARTS.
Let me mention just a few objects that was found in coal that
millions of years old:
In the mid 1800s a fossilized human
skull was

found inn coal
found in Germany and in 1958 a jawbone of a child was found
in Tuscany in Italy.
In 1891 a gold chain as found in a
chuck of coal Illinois of the USA, and an iron pot was found
in Oklahoma in 1912.
In 1944 a man named Newton Anderson
claimed to have found a bell in a lump of coal when it was
mined close to his house in West Virginia. The bell shall
have been analysed at the University of Oklahoma and it was
found to contain an unusual mixture of metals, different from
any modern usage.
And take a look at the following
webpage, here are pictures, explained with words, of ancient
megaliths showing unexplained advanced technology: "12
Photographs Mainstream Archaeology Does Not Want You To See".
All over the world
These are just a few samples - and you will find the same
all over the world. Chinese legends tell about former ages,
called "kis", and so do Buddhist scriptures. And
the Christian Bible. As well as the Norse legends about mighty
gods and end of times - like Thor and Ragnarok.

Sea finding
in Europe
When it come to what we can call the most resent end of times
about 12,000 years ago there are hundreds of flood
stories all over the world. And new research by acclaimed
underwater archaeologist Robert
Ballard in the Back Sea off the coast of Turkey has
found traces of an ancient civilization hidden underwater
since the time of Noah. He believes that he has found proof
that the biblical flood was actually based on real events.
A massive network of 12,000 year old
tunnels has been discovered beneath Europe. By Robert
Sepehr who is an author, producer and independent anthropologist.
Well, it is impossible to go back
in time. Some say we will get the answers to questions of
ancient times and gods when the so called Osiris tomb (Osiris
was the god of the dead, but also of resurrection and fertility)
under the Great Pyramid will be opened. There is supposed
to be a tomb
deep down under the pyramid, with a sarcophagus covered
with water that kind of fizzes when items are thrown down.
The question is also if the Great Pyramid is far, far older
than we have been learned to believe (it is different to other
Gold clad giant, Peru
Giant leg in South Africa
Giant king of Sumer
called gods
who made all the megaliths and other very ancient structures
and items that the people of the time should not be able to
make? Who made the huge wall of Sacsayhuaman of Peru in South
America? Who made the "impossible" wall of Baalbek
in Lebanon with stones weighing more than 1000 kg? Who made
the impressive Tihuanaco high up in the mountains of Bolivia?
And the Great Pyramid and jars made of basalt in Egypt?
Well, the legends tell that there
was a race of giants behind all this; tall humans with an
advanced technology. Most often it is said that they were
survivors of a worldwide deluge. These giants were often called
gods, and they helped the people to develop what we call civilization.
Very often they became the kings/rulers of the countries.
So what happened? How come they disappeared?
Some scriptures and legends say it
all came to an end when the people stopped to respect them.
Some were killed, like Goliath, who is said to have been the
last of the Anakim giants in Caanan. Some legends say that
the surviving giants after the deluge were all male, while
other say that the conditions on the earth changed so much
that they died out like the dinosaurs. Or might be their existence
was against the Gaia principle that there is a self-regulating
complex system that maintains the conditions for life on our
planet; that they did not fit in?
In Genesis
6:1-5 we can read: "The
Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward,
when the sons of God came into the daughters of man and they
bore children to them. They were the mighty men who were of
old, the men of renown."
There is some discussion on who the
Nephilim were. Some say the Nephilim were the offspring of
the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men",
but other say that the word "Nephilim"
mean "Giant". And that makes more sense doesn't
it? And be aware that the word God is translated wrong (on
purpose?) from the oldest scriptures - the world used in the
Hebrew Bible was "Bene Elohim", which means "gods"
- not "god". There never was only one god! Might
be Nephilim DNA mixed with human DNA did not go very well?
Too advanced
But my question is: Might be their technology was too advanced?
Some researchers say that The Great Pyramid was a power plant.
Well, might be they actually got it up and running - and that
it created more problems that it solved? Catastrophic problems??

and giant sparks
The genius Nikola
Tesla wrote an article called "The Problem of
Increasing Human Energy". He worked for years trying
to make a "Self-acting Engine" that could run indefinitely
from the solar energy stored in the air. But he was not successful
- and might be we should be happy he was not? There is so
often a negative side to easy solutions - and remember that
the energy is always used for something and that the end-product
of energy is heat!
Hidden and forbidden history
the theory that certain vast geological changes were
caused by catastrophes, sometimes worldwide in scope,
rather than gradual evolutionary forces.
the theory that slow incremental changes, such as erosion,
created all the Earths geological features and
that processes that operated in the remote geological
past are not different from those observed now. |
if we have had periods on earth when humans died out to almost
the last man as Thor Heyerdahl asked, and I have tried to
look into - why have we not heard about it?
Pye was one of the first researchers to claim that
human origins might not be the way we have learned in school.
,"Everything You Know Is Wrong" was his famous book
where he writes that there is an "incredible array of
obscured, forgotten, and even deliberately hidden facts"
when it comes to human history.
Today more and more researchers; like
Graham Hancock, David Hatcher Childress, Michael Cremo, Robert
Schoch and John Anthony West, ask if we have a hidden and
forbidden history: That hardly anything we have learned about
the early human activity is correct. And as you have seen:
My research agrees.
Why shall we not learn about it? Well,
that it a great question - might be you have the answer?
End of time
Ok. So we might have been through periods of time where we
went under to almost the last man as Thor Heyerdahl asked
but will it happen again?
There has been many so called "end
of time" predictions; the one we remember the
best might be the Maya Apocalypse that did not happen on December
21st in 2012. Well, most people misinterpreted the Maya prediction
to be end of time but
Lama and Dan Katchongva
Corrupt leader?
Heyerdahl started the Foundation for Exploration and
Research on Cultural Origins (FERCO) in 1992. After
his death in 2002 the foundation was closed.
fact it was only the end of a cycle in the ancient Mayan calendar.
that the Hopi Indians are saying that we are now living in
the fourth cycle/world? Many Hopi elders claim that we are
living in the final days of the last world. Dan Katchongva,
a spiritual leader of the Hopi, said the following in 1970
of what will be the signs: "Nature will speak to us with
its mighty breath of wind. There will be earthquakes and floods
causing great disasters, changes in the seasons and in the
weather, disappearance of wildlife, and famine in different
forms. There will be gradual corruption and confusion among
the leaders and the people all over the world, and wars will
come about like powerful winds."
Some say that according to many legends
and scriptures (even the Bible); that the end of time will
be in 2025. We will have to wait and see!
the spirit of Thor Heyerdahl
Heyerdahl was very afraid that it will be our use of fossils
fuels like oil, coal and gas that we give us humans problems
this time.
Here is what Cecilie
Mauritzen, lead author of the 4th and 5th Assessment
Reports of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change,
and also Chief Scientist at the Kon Tiki 2 Expedition, said
at the Paris Climate Change Conference in November 2015 -
all in the spirit of Thor Heyerdahl (and on behalf of the
ocean): "I wish to turn your attention to an aspect of
climate change that you have quite possibly never considered.
It is an issue of great importance and grave consequences
for the ocean, namely that of oxygen depletion. Well, the
ultimate reason is the emission of carbon dioxide associated
with combustion of fossil fuels. This emission creates temperature
increases in the ocean, just like on land. And when the surface
ocean gets warmer it gets more buoyant, making it difficult
to mix the surface waters with the deep water. This is a worrisome
trend that we, the Ocean, worry deeply about, not just because
it affects our own creatures, but because it affects all Earth's
creatures, great and small, rich and poor, women and man,
child and old. There is only one way to stop this worrisome
trend, namely to curb the emissions of carbon dioxide."

on Easter Island
years ago I asked a scientist in the USA specializing in DNA
if there were ever found human DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid;
the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms)
in crude oil. I was wondering if oil not only could be remains
after plants and animals washed to the sea in a worldwide
catastrophe but also humans. He answered that oil had been
formed under too much pressure and too hight temperatures
for any DNA to remain but he thought my question was
interesting! So who knows; might be you are driving your car
on the remains of your ancient forefathers!
Heyerdahl was first of all a scientist, and he researched
early human history all of his adult life. He said that to
be able to say something about the future you must know the
past. He was very afraid that our use of fossil fuels like
coal, oil and gas could bring us to the brink of extinction
again: He travelled around the world almost non-stop, and
he had seen climate changes everywhere he went.
home in Tuvalu
world's first climate refuge
I was as earlier mentioned in contact with Heyerdahl, mostly
because I was called "the world's first climate refuge"
by media all over the world when I was forced to leave the
home I had built in my Polynesian wife's country Tuvalu.
Tuvalu is so close to the equator
that according to the books you shall not have any cyclones
After three of them had threatened to wash us to the sea we
left the island life we loved and moved to Norway, the country
of birth to Thor Heyerdahl and myself. We had our little daughter
Sonia and felt responsible for her; the islands of Tuvalu
are flat atolls barely peeping out of the ocean.
Climate News
Well, we could leave but the other people of Tuvalu could
not; there are immigration laws everywhere. Australia and
New Zealand have promised to take the Tuvaluan people in if
something seriously happen but then of course it might be
too late for many of the country's 10.000 people!
There have been cyclones also after
we left but luckily nobody had been killed - so far. My wife's
brother Mau had his house washed away but he and his son managed
to survive by climbing up a nearby three.
"You have a big mission in bringing
your scary message forward. You have felt something we all
will eventually experience if we do not change our ways in
time", is what Heyerdahl wrote to me in a letter in 1997.
course I could not just sigh of relief when settling down
in Norway, safe from cyclones. My wife's family is still in
Tuvalu! They are not allowed to go to Norway either; it does
not matter if I am Norwegian citizen! So I started a campaign
to get the Norwegian government to understand the dangers
of climate change. I even wrote a letter with a plea to the
king that Sonia delivered personally to the royal castle!
I got a response from the government
but they could not promise anything.
I was a couple of times on the TV in debate programs; "what
an angry man" was all the response I got! So in year
2000 I started an
internet magazine, Klima
Nytt (Climate News), where I daily, without a cent
for it, publish the news from the Norwegian newspapers on
the internet when it comes to climate change and climate politics.
So far there are no good news - the climate changes are getting
worse and worse and we are hardly doing anything to stop them.
The World Commission on Environment
and Development (WCED), the so called Brundtland
Commission (led by the then Norwegian prime minster
Gro Harlem Bruntland) was established by UN in 1983 "to
unite countries to pursue sustainable development together".
The commission concluded that it saw no other option for the
world, the industrialized countries, than to reduce the use
of energy by 50 percent. Since that time I guess we have doubled,
or even tripled, the use of energy - and nobody seems to worry.
"We need more energy!" is what you hear every day!
Paris Agreement
We will have to hope that the Paris
Agreement of 2015 will be a step in the correct direction.
The Agreement aims to "respond to the global climate
change threat by keeping a global temperature rise this century
well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and
to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further
to 1.5 degrees Celsius." As of October 2017, 195 UN-member
countries have signed the agreement, and 169 have become party
to it.
But the question is of course how many countries that accentually
will reduce their carbon emissions enough to honour what they
have signed!
Rising temperatures
It was not so easy for me to move to Norway of more reasons
than it is cold there and far from my wife's family in Tuvalu:
Norway is making most of its money from export of oil and
gas. Yes, Norway even exports a bit of coal from the island
of Svalbard! Fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal are the culprits
when it comes to rising temperatures and dangerous climate
changes. The climate changes are already killing several hundred
people every week!
So in that way I feel I am partly
responsible that my wife's family is living with a constant
fear of drowning.
Some people will of course deny that
we are having manmade climate changes but UNs Fifth
Assessment Report is quite clear:
- The concentration of GHGs (Greenhouse gases) in the earth's
atmosphere is directly linked to the average global temperature
on Earth;
- The concentration has been rising steadily, and mean global
temperatures along with it, since the time of the Industrial
- The most abundant GHG, carbon dioxide (CO2), is the product
of burning fossil fuels.
So how long time do we have left
before we might face extinction?
Stephen Hawking
David Auerbach
Terje on TV in 2003
Abandon Earth!
Professor of mathematics and astronomy at University of London,
Stephen Hawking, is often called the brightest star in the
scientific universe. In the BBC's science series Tomorrow's
World, Professor Hawking said he thinks due to climate change,
overdue asteroid strikes, epidemics and population growth,
humans will need to find a new planet to populate within a
single lifetime. That we have to abandon Earth or face extinction.
Extinct in 100 years
- Mankind will be extinct in 100 years because of climate
change! The comments were first made by Australian microbiologist
Dr Frank Fenner in 2010, but engineer and science writer David
Auerbach has reiterated the doom-laden warning in his latest
article. He criticises the recent G7 summit for failing to
deal with the problems facing the survival of humanity, such
as global warming and exhausting Earth's resources.
Mr Auerbach goes on to say that experts
have predicted that 21st century civilisation faces a similar
fate to the inhabitants of Easter Island, who went extinct
when they overexploited their natural habitat.
Extinction within 10 years
Biology professor Guy McPherson, from University of Arizona,
believes there is nothing we can do to prevent the mass extinction
of the human race.
He claims human-driven climate change
will bring about the sixth mass extinction of humankind within
the next decade. He told Newshub: "It's locked down,
it's been locked in for a long time - we're in the midst of
our sixth mass extinction."
So what do I believe?
Well, I do not know how long time it will take but I know
we are in trouble - big time! After editing Climate News since
year 2000 and having experienced how dangerous climate changes
can be I know we have to act before it is too late. And time
is running out!
And it is so hard to have a positive
belief in the humans of today. I am experiencing so many people
in total denial. Like many people of Norway. Norway is already
is experiencing more rain than normal, just as IPCC predicted
a few years ago. But the so called climate sceptics just say
that everything is normal. It might be easy to close ears
and eyes for what is happening but that is not helping the
future generations much!
such an unwillingness to think of the coming generations?
Or the people that already is suffering and dying from the
climate changes? Why is the size of your own wallet more important
than your children and grandchildren? What has happened to
us? What has happened to our conscience? Something is terribly
might be it is time to say bye-bye for good - or will we manage
to turn around and change our ways?
© Terje Dahl
What do you think?
you have comments on the article please send an email to Terje
Dahl: terje@sydhav.no
in California 130,000 Years Ago?
A new study has dropped a bombshell on archaeology,
claiming signs of human activity in the Americas far
earlier than thought.
Up: Very Early Human Presence in Malta Has Been Intentionally
illustration (on a mammoth tusk; carved, polished and
engraved ) said to be of snakes - in Mal'ta, Siberia:
"On one side of the plate we can see three
snakes. The snake is rare in northern hemisphere Paleolithic
art, presumably because the cold conditions precluded
a wide distribution of snakes. In addition, it can be
seen that the snakes have very broad heads, as though
they belong to the Cobra group - yet Cobras are now
known only in southern asian localities."
it not look much more like human sperm - like on the
stone head from Turkey?? |
Nampa Figurine That Strongly Challenges The Evolutionary
Scenario: Controversial Case Of Extreme Human Antiquity
A tiny artifact depicting a human figure was found
in 1889, when workers were drilling water well near Nampa,
in southwest Idaho. The artifact skillfully formed in clay,
is a true mystery that has baffled scientists for many years.
Huge One Million Year Old, Man Made Underground Complex
Can Rewrite History
Nearly all of the scholars defend the notion that human civilization
particularly existed for 12,000 years on our planet. Yet,
there are remarkable numbers of findings which suggest that
we, the people, have a rather different past. Many discoveries,
such as artifacts, structures and temples, are evidently proving
that civilizations inhabited Earth earlier than what we are
taught. (JUNE 16, 2018)
Toward end of Ice Age, human beings witnessed fires larger
than dinosaur killers
February 1, 2018 University of Kansas
Summary: About 12,800 years ago, thanks to fragments of a
comet, humans saw an astonishing 10 percent of the Earth's
land surface, or about 10 million square kilometers, consumed
by fires.
accurate maps of the world that are too ancient
From the Discovery magazine online:
"One of the most remarkable and mysterious technical
advances in the history of the world is written on the hide
of a 13th-century calf. Inked into the vellum is a chart of
the Mediterranean so accurate that ships today could navigate
with it." http://discovermagazine.com/2014/june/14-the-mapmakers-mystery
is only one ancient map showing the world as we know it today
- there are others, copies of even older maps! Who made them
- and when?
Asias mysterious role in the early origins of humanity
Bizarre fossils from China are revealing our species' Asian
origins and rewriting the story of human evolution. New
Scientist 4 July 2018
Out of Australia & Into Africa Theory Youtube
are the ideas, thoughts and facts our readers have sent in:
Your sincere concern and informed perspective are refreshing.
And you're asking a question that richly deserves humanity's
undivided attention. Alas, mass environmental epiphany
(about carbon) isn't going to happen. So whatever happens
to the positive will need to happen in spite of humanity's
entrenched self-defeating ways. The old Margaret Mead
quote about never forgetting what a small group can
do is looming larger. I for one hope it's small groups
doing good work and not a push by a desperate few into
the politics of climate denial that sends our race and
what remains of the natural order into the geologic
record as a thin, black line of carbonaceous glop. I'd
like to believe our species' best years are ahead, but
first we've got to survive what we've accrued (and still
piling up in fact) and learn how to make it work, or
Wishing you the best of what's left, and what's right,
in 2018.
Jay Toups
Chairman & CEO
From an article in the Gardian 16/2-2018,
"Laser scanning reveals 'lost' ancient
Mexican city 'had as many buildings as Manhattan'
Using lidar, researchers have found that the recently-discovered
city, known as Angamuco, was more than double the size
of Tzintzuntzan although probably not as densely
populated extending over 26 km2 of ground that
was covered by a lava flow thousands of years ago. According
to Fisher, more than 100,000 people are thought to have
lived in Angamuco in its heyday between about 1000AD
to 1350AD."
A nine hundred years old
city years old covered with lava many thousand years
old? How can that be? And according to Wikipedia's "Timeline
of volcanism on Earth" there were no volcanic
activity in the area after 1350. The only volcanic eruption
in Mexico the last thousand years or so was from Ceboruco
"a dacitic stratovolcano located in Nayarit, Mexico,
northwest of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. The largest
eruption, the Jala Plinian eruption, was around 930
AD ±200, VEI 6, releasing 11 cubic kilometres
(2.6 cu mi) of tephra."
Well, there is a distance of more than 400 kilometres
from Nayarit to the ancient city of Angamuco - so lava
from this eruption could not have covered the buildings.
Might be the ancient buildings are much more ancient
than we believe? There shall have been volcanic activity
in the area with lava flows - but that was more than
2 million years ago!
Science has published a new paper today (08
Dec 2017) looking at the peopling of Eurasia.
The results of the paper challenge the single Out of
Africa model by ultimately stating that it cannot fully
explain the origins of modern humans.
Come on, folks!